- Livingstone Caverns - Interact with Warlord Gamush during the 'Return to Gamush (2)' quest.
- Warlord Gamush - Livingstone Caverns
Warlord Gamush (Trolluk Leader): So, where pebblars going?
Hero: I followed them to those three stone torches.
Hero: It looked like they had all burrowed underground there.
Warlord Gamush (Trulluk Leader): That ancient elemental summoning place.
Warlord Gamush (Trolluk Leader): We summon BIG rock guy to test strength there.
Warlord Gamush (Trolluk Leader): THAT IT! Me remember now!
Warlord Gamush (Trolluk Leader): Me leave Warlord Mace right there!
Warlord Gamush (Trolluk Leader): BIG ROCK GUY MUST HAVE IT!
Hero: Why would the rock elemental want your mace?
Warlord Gamush (Trolluk Leader): Maybe him no like being controlled by magic in mace? Me don't know… or care.
Warlord Gamush (Trolluk Leader): <Hero>, It time for you to test you strength, like all trolluk do!
Hero: OK, how do I summon the stone elemental?
Warlord Gamush (Trolluk Leader): LIGHT ALL THREE FIRES, and big rock guy shows up.
Warlord Gamush (Trolluk Leader): Bring me Warlord Mace and me make you official Livingstone Trolluk!