After the Tower


Renswald (Vampire King's Manservant): <hero>. You're back… again.
Renswald (Vampire King's Manservant): I find it absolutely fascinating that you've explored so much of Castle Darkovia and you still breathe.

Hero: I'm tired of these distractions. Let me inside.

Renswald (Vampire King's Manservant): I truly would if I could, hero.
Renswald (Vampire King's Manservant): Without the key, that's quite impossible.

Hero: Fine. I'll turn this whole castle upside down if I have to.

Renswald (Vampire King's Manservant): I believe that you might.
Renswald (Vampire King's Manservant): Perhaps I dropped the key when I was reshelving books in the library.

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