Ailssa Mabbot (Shop)

Location: Ailssa Mabbott - Treefern Ravine Camp
Note: Must have used the 'Iron Recruit' to access this shop

Name Level Power Price Craft Time Speed Up
Weapon.png Iron Bulwark Sword and Shield uncommonsmall.png Required: 3, Scaled: (Your Current Level -2) Scaled Treefern Iron Ore x15, Treefern Wood x5, Treefern Stone x10, Treefern Frogzard Scales x5, 0 Gold Instant N/A
Weapon.png Iron Bulwark Hammer and Shield uncommonsmall.png Required: 3, Scaled: (Your Current Level -2) Scaled Treefern Iron Ore x15, Treefern Wood x5, Treefern Stone x10, Treefern Frogzard Scales x5, 0 Gold Instant N/A
Weapon.png Iron Bulwark Sword uncommonsmall.png Required: 3, Scaled: (Your Current Level -2) Scaled Treefern Iron Ore x15, Treefern Wood x5, Treefern Stone x10, 0 Gold Instant N/A
Weapon.png Iron Bulwark Hammer uncommonsmall.png Required: 3, Scaled: (Your Current Level -2) Scaled Treefern Iron Ore x15, Treefern Wood x5, Treefern Stone x10, 0 Gold Instant N/A
Weapon.png Iron Bulwark Dagger uncommonsmall.png Required: 3, Scaled: (Your Current Level -2) Scaled Treefern Iron Ore x15, Treefern Wood x5, Treefern Stone x10, 0 Gold Instant N/A
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