Mosh Pit Mage (Alice in Chains Musical Event): Did you hear?! The band Alice in Chains is playing in the Battleon Arena!
Hero: WHAAA?! Whose soul did they sell to make this happen?
Mosh Pit Mage (Alice in Chains Musical Event): I know, right? Did I tell you about the monsters and loot yet?
Mosh Pit Mage (Alice in Chains Musical Event): … It's a freaking battle concert!
Mosh Pit Mage (Alice in Chains Musical Event): Head to the event and battle 3 of their songs… including one off their new album, Rainier Fog!
Mosh Pit Mage (Alice in Chains Musical Event): The moshpit gets swarmed with monsters… it's brutal!
Mosh Pit Mage (Alice in Chains Musical Event): The people who get the VIP passes even get special items and to go back stage for a virtual selfie with the virtual band.
Mosh Pit Mage (Alice in Chains Musical Event): I have a magic ticket that will let me teleport to the arena.
Mosh Pit Mage (Alice in Chains Musical Event): Oh wait, I have an extra ticket.
Mosh Pit Mage (Alice in Chains Musical Event): We could really use someone with your combat skills in that Mosh Pit. So…
Mosh Pit Mage (Alice in Chains Musical Event): Here, take it. It's yours… let's go to the Alice in Chains event!