Quest Location: Pointe Less Isle
Quests Begun From: Annette
Note: Also see Annette's Daily Quest.
- Shark Attack! (Repeatable)
- Island Boss Party! (Repeatable)
- Waiting for a Bite (Fishing) (Repeatable)
- To The Face! (Repeatable)

Hey islander! Pointe Less Isle has been invaded by Sharks that have been attracted by the Isle's warm waters! Help clear out the island and celebrate with some rockin' wet suits! Clean up the Isle and collect enough Pointe Less Trophies to buy cool stuff!
Items Required:
- Clear out Sharks! x10
- Dropped by Island Shark (Level Scaled) (Version 1)
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Quest Location: Heroes Cove (Location)
Quests Begun From: Annette
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
Note: The items needed to complete this quest are not used when the quest is turned in.
Are you just itching to show off your love of all things crabby? Collect all the Crabs around Heroes Cove and get your very own sculpture to show off in your home!
Items Required:
- Cute Crab Pet x1
- Yellow Crab Pet x1
- Red Crab Pet x1
- Pearly Crab Pet x1
- Blue Crab Pet x1
- 0 Gold
- 0 Exp
Removed Quests:
Quest Locations:
Quests Begun From: Annette
Note: This quest can only be done once.

Note: Unlocks the Your 2018 Summer Collection shop.
Want to permanently unlock every item in the 2018 Summer Collection? Just buy the "Summer Collector's Chest 2018" from my shop and turn it in here.
Items Required:
- 0 Gold
- 0 Exp
Quest Location: Pointe Less Isle
Quests Begun From: Annette
- This quest automatically reaccepts after completion.
- Was available during the summer war

Hey islander! Welcome to this year's Pointeless Isle Summer BASH! This is the time of year where we celebrate summer with a huge party! Party with any of the creatures on Pointeless Isle and unlock some cool items to help you stay… cool!
Items Required:
- Fight Things! x10
- Dropped by any monster in Pointe Less Isle
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Quest Location: Pointe Less Isle
Quests Begun From: Annette

Have you been enjoying the party? We always have a yearly bash here on Pointe Less Isle! Take these Pointe Less Trophies as a souvenir and keep on partying until the paty's over!
Items Required:
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp