Quest Location: Battleon (Old)
Quests Begun From: Artix (Old)
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
Head out of the town's main gates into Greenguard forest. My friend Robina is out there and could use your help.
Robina is an old friend of mine. I really appreciate you helping her. Here is a small gift to thank you. It is not much but might help you where you are headed next!
Items Required:
- Go out the town gates x1
- Walk into Greenguard from Battleon
- Save Greenguard Forest x1
- Complete Robina's Quests
- 110 Gold
- 220 Exp
I have heard the Guardians talking about something big going down in HEARTWOOD! It might have to do something with Vane but the only way to get there is to RUN THROUGH GREENGUARD RAVINE. I hear my friend Warlic is there doing research. Tell him Hi for me!
Good job reaching Heartwood. Now that you have been there on foot, you will be able to get there from Battleon by using the TRAVEL CRYSTAL!
Items Required:
- Greenguard Ravine Traversed x1
- Walk into Heartwood Forest from Greenguard Ravine
- 180 Gold
- 360 Exp
Quest Location: Doomwood Forest
Quests Begun From: Artix
Note: Also see Artix's Quests.
- Artix Von Krieger
- No Sign Of Life
- This Looks Bad
- Name The Enemy
- Shadow Shapes
- The Driven Soul
- Strike a Light
- Ring of Truth
- Excavation
- Filling In the Blanks
- The Turncoat
- Confirmation
- Captive Souls
- Wolfing Them Down
- Resupply
- Bringing Home The Broadswords
- Fortifications
- The Field Book of Blessings
- Shattered Teeth
- Dust to Dust
- Clean Up
- Big Bones
Talk to Artix
Find Speak to Artix near the Doomwood Watch Tent.
I did not expect to see any other heroes this far from Battleon. You must be a brave person. I could use someone with courage to help me.
Items Required:
- Artix Found x1
- Click on Artix
- 31 90 148 Gold
- 158 894 1,472 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed previous quest.
Look for Clues
Hmmm. First we need to establish what has happened to the other paladins Paladins paladins. I will search the tent while you look around the area. Once you are done, return here and we will share what we have found.
Yes. The letter fragments I found in the tent and signs of a battle that you have uncovered point to an attack. But from who, and why? We need more answers.
Items Required:
- Search The Beach near the Cave x1
- Stand on the glowing pad near the Shadow Wolf Alpha behind the tent
- Search The Giant Skull x1
- Climb the giant skull
- Search Near The Gate x1
- Stand on the glowing pad near Big Bones
- Search The Cliffs on the River x1
- Stand on the glowing pad on the river in the direction Artix is facing
- 31 90 148 Gold
- 158 894 1,472 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed previous quest.
Slay Skeletons to find more clues.
We need more information but if there was a struggle then the local monsters and undead are a good place to start. See if you can find anything on the skeletons here.
These are not just any armor scraps… they are paladin armor. Someone has armored these undead fiends in armor stolen from the paladin order! Well, at least they are wearing something. They look chilled to the bone.
Items Required:
- Armor Scrap x4
- Dropped by Skeleton
- 31 90 148 Gold
- 158 894 1,472 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed previous quest.
Slay Skeletons to find the villain's name
It looks like the necromancer necroknight who has animated these skeleton has branded the inside of their skulls with their mark. It is kind of like a signature. If you collect enough skull fragments, we can at least find out who we are up against. A name would be better than nothing.
I am able to reassemble these fragments, I think. It is like doing a jigsaw puzzle. See? This goes there here? and this? Ah! Sargoth! I know that name. We face a dangerous foe.
Items Required:
- Skull Fragment x5
- Dropped by Skeleton
- 31 90 148 Gold
- 158 894 1,472 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed previous quest.
Slay Shadow Wolves
These shadow wolves Shadow Wolves are new to Doomwood. They must be creations of Sargoth's the Necroknight's dark magic. See what you can learn about them.
What? The bodies turn into shadows? That does not leave use us much to learn from but we can still work with it. Anything we need from the shadow wolves will need to be taken from them quickly before the body fades.
Items Required:
- Shadowwolf Shadow Wolf Slain x5
- Dropped by Shadow Wolf
- 31 90 148 Gold
- 158 894 1,472 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed previous quest.
Find what binds the Shadow Wolves
We still need to know more about the kind of magic that Sargoth the Necroknight is using here. Something must be binding the shadow wolves to this realm. Search their bodies before they fade back into normal shadow and find what powers them.
Spirit Orb Fragments? But… that doesn?t make any sense. A pure spirit orb is the form that a pure soul takes after death. Sargoth The Necroknight must have ripped these souls apart somehow and used the spirit orb fragments to bind his magic to shadow. I have never seen magic like this before.
Items Required:
- Spirit Orb Fragment x5
- Dropped by Shadow Wolf
- 31 90 148 Gold
- 158 894 1,472 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed previous quest.
Light Torches
I need some time to look for the watch commander's Watch Commander's watch commander's journal. While I am busy I need your help re-establishing the fort. First, will you please go light the torches around here? That might shed a little light on the situation.
Great work. Now I can see what I am tripping over. I had no luck finding the watch commander's journal but I DID find his footlocker under a pile of stuff. It is pretty tough. If I use force, I might destroy everything in the locker. We are going to need to unlock it.
Items Required:
- Torch Lit x5
- Click on the torches throughout the area
- 31 90 148 Gold
- 158 894 1,472 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed previous quest.
Find the Commander?s Ring on Skeletons
I do not see a keyhole on the watch commander's foot locker footlocker but there is an impression here. It looks like a signet ring might unlock it. I will search around the camp. You search the undead. Maybe one of the skeletons has it on them.
AH HA! This looks like it fits! Hmmm. I do not see a journal but there are some other notes in here. I will check through them.
Items Required:
- Commander's Signet Ring x1
- Dropped by Skeleton
- 63 179 295 Gold
- 316 1,787 2,944 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed previous quest.
Search for the Journal
I do not believe this. It looks like the watch commander Watch Commander might have… done something awful. I have a hard time believing that one of my fellow paladins Paladins could do something life like this. I need more proof. We have GOT to find that journal. Please search around the area. Maybe it got knocked out of the tent during the fighting and dragged away by some of the wildlife.
You found the cover? All the pages have been torn out. From these claw marks it looks like the shadow wolves might have gotten to it first.
Items Required:
- Journal Cover x1
- Click on the mounds near the giant skeleton's left arm
- 23 67 148 Gold
- 118 670 1,472 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed previous quest.
Recover Journal Pages from Shadow Wolves
We need to find out what went on here. It looks like the shadow wolves ripped the journal up. That seems like a weird thing for wolves to do unless someone was hiding something. See if you can recover any of the journal pages from the shadow wolves.
This looks like all of them. Good job. Now we will find out the truth about the watch commander.
Items Required:
- Journal Page x10
- Dropped by Shadow Wolf
- 31 90 148 Gold
- 158 894 1,472 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed previous quest.
Gather Shadow Wisps from Shadow wolves.
The pages of the journal confirmed what I feared. The watch commander soul sold out the other paladins to save himself. But there is more that… I will not say more until I know the full truth. I need you to bring me wisps of shadow that make up the shadow wolves.
I just need to use the watch?s Watch?s watch?s equipment to check these.
Items Required:
- Shadow Wisps x8
- Dropped by Shadow Wolf
- 31 90 148 Gold
- 158 894 1,472 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed previous quest.
Slay Skeletons for Rib Bones
I must do one more test to know for sure. I need you to bring me rib bones from some of the skeletons. I?m sorry to ask you to do this for me but I need to prepare the tests here.
As I suspected… the skeletons and shadow wolves are both made from the remains of the paladins.
Items Required:
- Rib Bone x10
- Dropped by Skeleton
- 31 98 60 Gold
- 158 975 1,286 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed previous quest.
Slay Shadow Wolves to Free Souls
Sargoth The Necroknight used the betrayed paladins Paladins of the watch to make his creations. Their bodies were made into his skeleton army and he fed their souls to the shadow wolves Shadow Wolves. I cannot stand the idea of members of my order being used like this. Please, go free some of the paladin Paladin souls from the shadow wolves Shadow Wolves.
Thank you. I am not happy about how this turned out but at least I know those paladins can rest now.
Items Required:
- Paladin Soul Freed x6
- Dropped by Shadow Wolf
- 31 98 60 Gold
- 158 975 1,517 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed previous quest.
Slay Shadow Wolves Alpha
A huge Shadow Wolf Alpha roams the forest. Sargoth The Necroknight must have fed him more of the paladin Paladin souls than all the rest put together. I can sense them now looking for a way out. I have to ask you to take on the Shadow Wolf Alpha yourself. I cannot waste any time in writing to the order and letting them know what has happened here.
The Alpha has been destroyed and the rest of the paladin souls are free. I only sense one other than my own. I wonder what that is about.
Items Required:
- Alpha Wolf Slain x1
- Dropped by Shadow Wolf Alpha
- 63 195 119 Gold
- 316 1,950 3,034 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed previous quest.
Collect Weapons from the Skeletons
I have sent a message to the Order and they will be sending more paladins Paladins here too to to hold the ground. This place will need to be in better shape before that happens. They will need weapons. I wll will begin cleaning up while you go slay skeletons and see if any of their weapons are still usable.
Bring the weapons to Artix.
Items Required:
- Serviceable Weapon x4
- Dropped by Skeleton
- 31 98 60 Gold
- 158 975 1,286 XP
Requirements: Must have completed previous quest.
Weapons Delivered
Bring the weapons retrieved from the undead back to Artix at the paladin Paladin paladin camp.
Thanks! This is a good start. I hope they decide to bring a lot more.
Items Required:
- Weapons Delivered x1
- Click on Artix
- 7 25 15 Gold
- 39 244 322 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed previous quest.
Go check that the wall is secure.
There is a wall that separates Doomwood from the Bonecliffs ahead. I need you to go check walls to make sure they are secure. Sargoth The Necroknight is building an army and they will be coming from that directions direction.
They are secure? Good. The undead may keep pouring out of the gate, but that is a bottleneck. That will make it possible for the new paladins Paladins to bottleneck funnel them and keep them in check.
Items Required:
- Walls Checked x1
- Stand on the glowing pad near Big Bones
- 31 98 60 Gold
- 158 975 1,286 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed previous quest.
Find the Field Book of Blessings from a Skeleton
Sargoth The Necroknight is using a huge undead called Big Bones to guard block anyone from moving closer to his tower. We will need to defeat it. It has been powered up so we will need to enchant your weapon. We will need to find the Paladin?s Field Book of Blessings which has the right spell. The skeletons might be bringing it to Sargoth him as a prize. Stop them, no matter what!
This is it! Great job! Now I just need to find the right page and… oh… the spell needs some components.
Items Required:
- Field Book of Blessings x1
- Dropped by Skeleton
- 31 98 60 Gold
- 158 975 1,286 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed previous quest.
Get Shadow Wolf Teeth
Before you can defeat Big Bones, we need to cast the right blessing pon upon your weapon. For that we will need some ingredients. The first one is teth teeth from a wild animal. The shadow wolves Shadow Wolves should have plenty of teeth. Just make sure to grab them before they turn to shadow with the rest of the beast.
Perfect. Those shadow wolves will not Shadow Wolves won't be biting anyone else for a long time.
Items Required:
- Shadow wolf tooth x6
- Dropped by Shadow Wolf
- 31 98 60 Gold
- 158 975 1,517 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed previous quest.
Gather Bone Dust
The other ingredient that we need for this recipe is bone dust Bone Dust bone dust. I have tried to brush as much as I could off my armor… there was a LOT… but I did not have enough. You will need to gather more from the skeletons.
That is it! We are ready. I can start preparing the blessing.
Items Required:
- Bone Dust x8
- Dropped by Skeleton
- 31 98 60 Gold
- 158 975 1,517 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed previous quest.
Slay undead and shadow wolves
It will take a little time to prepare the blessing so instead of sitting around maybe you should go slay a few more undead and shadow wolves Shadow Wolves shadow wolves. Every one that you take out helps the paladins Paladins paladins that are on the way here.
The blessing it is ready!
Items Required:
- Shadow Wolf Slain x6 x8
- Dropped by Shadow Wolf
- Undead Slain x8
- Dropped by Skeleton
- 31 98 60 Gold
- 158 975 1,517 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed previous quest.
Defeat Big Bones
You have done a lot of good here, and if Big Bones sends word of it to Sargoth then we will see a huge wave of reinforcements. Go and stop him before that can happen! Man, I wish I could join you but someone has to stay here and stop the undead from pushing into Greenguard. Good luck…
You did it! I just got word that the paladins coming to provdide provide support were held up by some roots in the Heartwood but they should be here soon. I will wait for them. Thanks again, friend. I could not have held the Doomwood Watch without you. Battle On!
Items Required:
- Big Bones defeated Defeated x1
- Dropped by Big Bones
- 95 293 270 179 Gold
- 475 2,925 2,700 3,856 Exp

Quest Location: Doomwood Forest
Quests Begun From: Artix
The skeletons here in Doomwood have some of the strongest arm bones I have ever seen on an undead. We could use them for anything from tent pegs to sword hilts. If you can bring me 15 Skeletal Arm Bones I will gladly pay you for your effort!
Ah! These are perfect. Look at how strong they are! Daimyo will be able to chew on one of these for days! Thanks so much! We could always use more, so come back if you have time!
Items Required:
- Skeletal Arm Bones x20
- Dropped by Skeleton
- 1,000 Gold
- 500 XP
There is a chill in the air. The unnatural gloom that covers these woods can put a chill in even the bravest warrior. The pelts of the Shadow Wolves will not only help keep the chill away from the Doomwood Watch Paladins, it is also a very stylish black! Bring me 30 Shadow Pelts and I will pay you for your trouble!
These will do great! They still smell like shadow wolf but that is nothing we cannot fix with a wash tub and some soap. the Shadow Wolves are vile, evil creatures and we could never have too many of these pelts so bring me as many as you can!
Items Required:
- Shadow Wolf Pelt x50
- Dropped by Shadow Wolf
- 1,000 Gold
- 500 XP
Quest Location: Shadowskull Lobby
Quests Begun From: Artix
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
Defeat the Necroknight
The necroknight is waiting at the top of the tower. I have heard a lot of rumors but I do not know how powerful he really is. I just know that he has to be stopped.
You have defeated the necroknight! So the rumor about changing forms is true?
Items Required:
- Necroknight defeated x1
- Dropped by Necroknight
- 44 66 Gold
- 880 1,320 XP
Requirements: Must have completed previous quest.
Collect Necrotic Ooze
Each one of the Necroknight's forms contains a powerful undead element that I should purify. See if you can get an Ooze Core from it's Dark Slime Lord form!
This is it. It may be unpleasant and smell like death but it will provoke to be valuable.
Items Required:
- Undead Ooze x1
- Dropped by Dark Slime Lord
- 55 29 Gold
- 1,100 1,700 XP
Requirements: Must have completed the 'The Tower's Keeper' quest.
Defeat the Dark Warfiend
The Necroknight will sometimes take the form of a Warfiend. These creatures are very dangerous so be on your guard, but if you defeat it, bring back one of its horns.
Well done! Another undead element for me to purify.
Items Required:
- Undead Horn x1
- Dropped by Dark Warfiend
- 55 29 Gold
- 1,100 1,700 XP
Requirements: Must have completed the 'The Tower's Keeper' quest.
Defeat the Undead Dragon
he Necroknight's most powerful form is certainly its undead dragon form. You need it to claim one of the talons from its claw. It will not be easy.
Hero, you have slain the Undead Dragon. I am speechless! And more than a little jealous. I will purify the talon right away.
Items Required:
- Undead Talon x1
- Dropped by Undead Dragon
- 55 29 Gold
- 1,100 1,700 XP
Requirements: Must have completed the 'The Tower's Keeper' quest.
Defeat Necroknight's Secret Form
I have heard rumors that the Necroknight can take a fourth secret form. It only assumes this form to face its greatest foes. If you can forces it to take this form, you will be a legend!
Well, that was unexpected. I wonder what it tastes like.
Items Required:
- Undead Beak x1
- Dropped by Dark Necrohencer
- 55 29 Gold
- 1,100 1,700 XP
Requirements: Must have completed the 'The Tower's Keeper' quest.
Collect 20 Darkness Orbs
The Necroknight uses darkness orbs to power his undead army in the tower. If left in tact they will corrupt the tower even more. Bring me the orbs and I will purify them.
Perfect! I will purify these and they will counter the darkness pouring out of this place. Bring more as you collect them.
Items Required:
- Shadow Orbs x20
- Dropped by:
- Flying Skull
- Tower Skeleton
- Towering Bones
- Towering Huge Bones
- 55 29 Gold
- 1,100 1,700 XP