Avelaine's First Confession


Tomb Guardian: I know why you are here.
Tomb Guardian: I know what you seek.
Avelaine Morningsong (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): Yes! The fragment of the Shattered Sword! Are you its guardian?
Tomb Guardian: This entire mausoleum is its guardian, "Paladin."
Tomb Guardian: The Catacombs will decide if you are worthy of it.
Avelaine Morningsong (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): Of course I am worthy! I am a Paladin of the Golden Onslaught!
Tomb Guardian: You think yourself righteous. Even more righteous than the rest of your order.
Tomb Guardian: But I can see all that you hide.
Avelaine Morningsong (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): And… What is it you think you see?
Tomb Guardian: A dark stain. Guilt and anguish.
Tomb Guardian: You have tried so hard to keep it buried, haven't you?
Avelaine Morningsong (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): I… I don't know what you're talking about.
Tomb Guardian: You do. And if you want what you seek, you must confront it.
Tomb Guardian: Face your fear. Show this memory that it does not control you.
Avelaine Morningsong (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught):
Avelaine Morningsong (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): When I was young, the village I lived in was invaded by a horde of the Undead.
Avelaine Morningsong (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): I had never fought monsters before.
Avelaine Morningsong (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): I had never even SEEN a monster before…
Avelaine Morningsong (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): I was scared, and I hid inside a grain barrel to keep safe.
Avelaine Morningsong (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): I could hear people dying around me. I did nothing to save them.
Avelaine Morningsong (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): I hid when the Paladins came. While they fought.
Avelaine Morningsong (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): After the monsters were slain, they found me still in the barrel.
Avelaine Morningsong (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): I was so ashamed. They saved my village while I…
Avelaine Morningsong (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): I did nothing.
Avelaine Morningsong (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): Is that what you wanted to hear??
Tomb Guardian:
Tomb Guardian: It will suffice.
Tomb Guardian: You have my permission to remain here. For now.

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