Balis' Craft Shop (Old)

Location: Balis (Old) - Heartwood Forest (Old)
Note: Also see Balis' Craft Shop.

Name Level Price Craft Time
Helm.png Crimson Mage Cowl (Old) uncommonsmall.png 6 Burnt Cloth x15, Glowing Coals x10, Evil Tear x5, 400 Gold OR 200 Dragon Crystals 40 Minutes
Armor.png Crimson Mage Robes (Old) uncommonsmall.png 6 Burnt Cloth x10, Glowing Coals x5, Evil Tear x1, 300 Gold OR 100 Dragon Crystals 40 Minutes
Glove.png Lava Fists (Old) raresmall.png 7 Glowing Coals x20, Evil Tear x10, Magma Fragment x1, 500 Gold 1 Hour
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