- Kazebushi Island - Interact with Hensou during the 'Vision of Guro' quest
Hensou (Samurai Class Trainer): I… did not expect that to happen.
Hensou (Samurai Class Trainer): I am sorry, <Hero>. You have shown yourself to be strong.
Hensou (Samurai Class Trainer): Strong enough to defeat the Vision of Guro.
Hensou (Samurai Class Trainer): (Certainly strong enough to have lasted longer than one hit…)
Hensou (Samurai Class Trainer): But you did not. You have failed, and that means you must leave Kazebushi Isle.
Hero: What??
Hero: But Hensou! You know I'm good enough! You just said it yourself!
Hensou (Samurai Class Trainer): It does not matter. The rules are what they are.
Hensou (Samurai Class Trainer): For what it's worth, I am sad to see you go.
Hensou (Samurai Class Trainer): I must admit, you won me over in the end. You did show promise.