Quest Location: Frostval Lobby
Quests Begun From: Blizzy (NPC)
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

The Frost Labyrinth is magic and won't let us pass through unless we have all the Frostval Seals. First, you need to find Snowman Keeper and get the Seal of Generosity.
Items Required:
- 22 Gold
- 215 Exp
Quest Location: Frostvale
Quests Begun From: Blizzy (NPC)
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
We need some snowballs. Having a snowball fight might be fun for you, but for us it's a matter of survival. These snowballs are the only weapons we need against the local monsters…. But we do run through them pretty fast.
Items Required:
- Talk to Blizzy x1
- Click on Blizzy
- Snowballs Collected x50
- Run over the white glowing rotating spheres that randomly spawn in Frostvale
- Dropped by:
- 1,430 Gold
- 1,430 Exp
Quest Location: Frostvale
Quests Begun From: Blizzy (NPC)
- This quest is repeatable.
- This quest appears during the 'Taking Stock (Repeatable)' quest when you have all the quest items to complete it.
You want special Sparkling Water? Looks like you have the perfect mixture right there! Let me give it a special Moglin Hug and it will turn super special!
Items Required:
- Vale Water x1
- Island Drop x1
- 36 Gold
- 360 Exp