Bone Headset (Craft)
Location: Scarbucks Menu - Scarbucks (Zom-Bae)
Price: N/A
- Craft the following:
- Scarbucks Gift Card x300
- 100 Gold
Sellback: 10 Gold
Level: Required: 3, Scaled: (Your Current Level -2)
Power: Scaled
Craft Time: 5 Minutes
Speed Up: 50 Dragon Crystals
Description: "Hello, welcome to Scarbucks, may I take your order?"
The Scarbucks drive through allows players in travel forms to place their orders through state of the art speakers which use AI to generate an annoying static sound which always causes your order to be wrong. Yelling very loudly and slowly make you think they are hearing your order better. But you should really know better at this point.
- This item is scaled. Check Scaling System for more information.
- This item has a fixed Power Variation. Check Scaling System for more information.
- Used in the 'Bone Headset' quest.
- Also see Bone Headset (Trove).