
Hero: Hello there!
Sneevil Guard (Underpaid Lackey): What you want?
Hero: I would like to enter Fort Sneed.
Hero: The password is "BOX".
Sneevil Guard (Underpaid Lackey): Uh… Guards!?
Hero: Wait… Was that the wrong password?
Sneevil Guard (Underpaid Lackey): No, that right password.
Sneevil Guard (Underpaid Lackey): But Fort Sneed is SNEEVIL fort.
Sneevil Guard (Underpaid Lackey): You NOT Sneevil.
Hero: Hmmm. That's a really good point.
Hero: Why did I think this would work?
Sneevil Guard (Underpaid Lackey): NO WORRIES! We break all your bones now!
Hero: Ok… Plan B! Gotta get to the top of this tree fort.

Previous: Three Elvenstones

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