Bringing Elias His Crates


Hero: I think that's all of them.
Elias Peckard (Lolosia Blacksmith): Thanks, <hero>!
Elias Peckard (Lolosia Blacksmith): It's pretty hard making Lolosia's sabers, swords and staves with no iron to work.
Hero: So you make the weapons here?
Elias Peckard (Lolosia Blacksmith): Elias Peckard, Lolosia's best (and only) blacksmith!
Hero: PECKARD… that name sounds familiar.
Hero: Didn't Captain W. Peckard start Lolosia?
Elias Peckard (Lolosia Blacksmith): Aye. He was my great grandpa.
Elias Peckard (Lolosia Blacksmith): My family has been here since the beginning.
Elias Peckard (Lolosia Blacksmith): Anyway, thanks for all your help.
Hero: Any time. Anything else I can do?
Elias Peckard (Lolosia Blacksmith): I just finished a load of roundshot for the gunsmith.
Elias Peckard (Lolosia Blacksmith): Why don't you bring this to her and see if she needs anything?
Hero: Thanks, see you around.

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