Burger Hero
- An Attempt To Serve A Customer
- From Customer Service To Food Prep
- Kar'ren Makes A Scene
- Why do I never see you guys around anymore?
- Alma (2)
- Artix
- B'no #6215
- B'no #7812
- Babe "The Glue Girl" Degrossi
- Bran'don
- Bulb Lightmaker
- Casey
- Chad
- Crustation Man
- Cysero
- Donald
- Donnie
- Galanoth
- Giga Chad
- Hale
- Jack
- Janny
- Kar'ren
- Leo
- Makeshift Grill x3
- Mario
- Memet
- Mike
- Noxus, Lich Returned for Burgers
- Patrick
- Peter P.
- Raph
- Raymond
- Rumpus
- Spooky Anomaly
- Twilly (NPC) (3)
- Umbra
- Villandy
- Void Cultist # 7641
- Wandy
- Warlic
- xXx E-L33T SN1P3R xXx
- Zorbak (1)
- Burger Hero Rank Quests
- Burger Hero's Quests
- Crustation Man's Quests
- Pizza Hero's Quests
- Touching Grass Quest
- Wandy's Daily Quests
- Alma's Stash
- Burger Grill
- Burger Hero Decorations
- Burger Hero Merch Shop
- Cat Man's World
- Get Pizzamancer
- Pizzamancer Gear
Access Points:
- Adventures
- Enter from Battleon Town Gates
- Exit from Burger Hero Basement
- Exit from Burger Hero Bathroom
- Exit from Pizza Hero Birthday
- Interact with Travel Crystal (2) in Pizza Hero
- Interact with Travel Portal
- Interact with Wandy in Battleon Town Square