Player Stats
Level determines your character current level. Enables a character to go up to a higher level, gaining higher stats.
"Gain experience to level up."
Total Class Rank
The ranking determines your character's total level class. A bronze, silver and gold star appears at the top of the portrait representing the total level.
"The sum of all class ranks."
Max Health
Health, also known as the "red bar" on your character box, is the determining factor of the amount of damage you can take. It gets reduced when you are attacked and hit by enemies. Once you reach 0 Health, you will die and you must wait a set amount of seconds before you are able to respawn (3 seconds in non-hostile areas, 10 in hostile areas). Health is naturally regenerated outside of combat, and can also be regenerated with the use of certain class skills and potions.
"Keeps you healthy."
Max Chi / Max Determination / Max Focus / Max Fury / Max Gold Bullets / Max Souls / Max Spirit
Resource better known as "that bar at the side of your health". Allows you to synthesize class skills that consume resource. Resource will regenerate accordingly to the class requirements. Resources can be also be regenerated by using potions.
"The resource used by your current class."
Attack determines how much damage you can do to an opponent. The much stronger your attack, the more damage you can inflict.
"Increases damage dealt to enemies."
Armor determines the reduced amount of incoming damage you take during combat. The stronger your armor, the weaker your opponents attacks are.
Environmental damage and certain monster attacks ignore Armor and similar effects.
"Lowers damage taken from enemies."
Crit determines the likeliness of dealing additional bonus damage (a critical hit) on any attack you inflict on your opponent. When an attack is a critical hit, it will deal 50% extra damage. Healing is affected in a similar manner. Damage over time (DoTs) and Heal over time (Hots) effects are not affected by Crit or similar effects.
"Increases chance to deal extra damage."
Evasion determines your evasion chance, which allows you to avoid incoming attacks that would normally inflict damage to you. Environmental damage and certain monster attacks ignore Evasion and similar effects.
"Increases chance to dodge attacks."
Haste affects cast speed, cooldowns and attack speed, which allows for faster attacks.
"Increases speed of spells and auto attacks."