Cryptodirax Set


Total Cost:

Total Craft Time: 1 Hour and 20 Minutes
Set Pieces:

Name Level Power Price Craft Time Speed Up
Armor.png Cryptodirax Armor epicsmall.png Required: 7, Scaled: (Your Level -1) Scaled Cryptodirax Shell x1, Cryptodirax Tooth x6, Cryptodirax Leather x8, 10,000 Gold 10 Minutes 50 Dragon Crystals
Belt.png Cryptodirax Belt epicsmall.png Required: 7, Scaled: (Your Level -1) Scaled Cryptodirax Tail x1, Cryptodirax Leather x5, 10,000 Gold 10 Minutes 50 Dragon Crystals
Boot.png Cryptodirax Clompers epicsmall.png Required: 7, Scaled: (Your Level -1) Scaled Cryptodirax Shell x1, Cryptodirax Tooth x4, Cryptodirax Leather x4, 10,000 Gold 10 Minutes 50 Dragon Crystals
Cape.png Cryptodirax Shell (Back) epicsmall.png Required: 7, Scaled: (Your Level -1) Scaled Cryptodirax Shell x1, Cryptodirax Claw x6, Cryptodirax Tooth x6, 10,000 Gold 10 Minutes 50 Dragon Crystals
Glove.png Cryptodirax Gloves epicsmall.png Required: 7, Scaled: (Your Level -1) Scaled Cryptodirax Shell x1, Cryptodirax Claw x4, Cryptodirax Leather x8, 10,000 Gold 10 Minutes 50 Dragon Crystals
Helm.png Cryptodirax Helm epicsmall.png Required: 7, Scaled: (Your Level -1) Scaled Cryptodirax Shell x1, Cryptodirax Tooth x8, 10,000 Gold 10 Minutes 50 Dragon Crystals
Shoulder.png Cryptodirax Shoulders epicsmall.png Required: 7, Scaled: (Your Level -1) Scaled Cryptodirax Shell x1, Cryptodirax Tooth x8, 10,000 Gold 10 Minutes 50 Dragon Crystals
Weapon.png Cryptodirax Hammer epicsmall.png Required: 7, Scaled: (Your Level -1) Scaled Cryptodirax Shell x1, Cryptodirax Claw x6, Cryptodirax Tooth x6, Cryptodirax Tail x1, 10,000 Gold 10 Minutes 50 Dragon Crystals

Set Level: Required: 7, Scaled: (Your Level -1)
Set Power: Scaled
Set Stats:

Type Bonus
Health Scaled
Attack Scaled
Armor Scaled
Evasion Scaled
Crit Scaled
Haste Scaled

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