Crypts of Misery
- A Leap of Faith
- Donovan Faces His Fear
- Donovan Freaks Out
- Donovan Gouges His Eyes Out
- Mandible (Cutscene)
- Meeting in the Catacombs
- Obtaining The Second Piece of the Shattered Sword
- Tomb Guardian (Cutscene)
- Bow-n-Harrow (Monster) (Level 40) x2
- Fiend Warrior (Monster) (Level 38) x1
- Hollow Mage x1
- Mandible (Monster) x1
- Scorpseon x1
- Scortankion x1
- Skull Spider x1
- Spizoor x1
- Violent Imp (Level 38) x2
- Violent Imp (Level 39) x1
- Random Spawns x114
- N/A
Access Points:
- Enter from Seleden Monastery after completing the 'Retrieve the First Fragment' quest
- All monsters in this location level scale until level 40.
- This location has a 5 minute inactivity timer.
- You can take a shortcut to the Fiend Chamber by entering the door to turn to the right from the entrance in the 2nd image after completing the 'Reach the Final Chamber' quest.