Cysero's Quests (Old)

Jump to: Cysero's Shop (Location), Barrow Drop, Barrow Drop Challenge, Battleon, Battleon (Old).

Quest Location: Cysero's Shop (Location)
Quests Begun From: Cysero
Note: Also see Cysero's Quests.

Get Placeholder from Cave Sneevils
A while ago I kept losing my place. I mean, literally… my shop would wander off on its own. I created a magical Placeholders that hold places in place and keep them from drifting off. Trust me, it happens. Unfortunately I lost my Placeholders too. I need you to go find one of them for me. Jimmy The Eye told me he saw a Cave Sneevil with one a few days ago.

Items Required:


  • 40 17 22 Gold
  • 200 170 220 Exp

Quest Location: Barrow Drop
Quests Begun From: Cysero

Note: This quest can only be completed once.

Kill 10 Mature Brainticks
I need to look at the eggs but the Mature Brainticks keep going after me. You need to kill some of the big ones before you can get to the eggs.

Items Required:


  • 23 31 Gold
  • 460 620 Exp

Quest Location: Barrow Drop Challenge
Quests Begun From: Cysero

Collect Acevorah Pearls
I found out that deep in it's gut tract, the Acevorah's natural digestion produces a kind of… let's call it a pearl. Valuable. Powerful. A bit smelly. They are really stuck in those guts so they will be hard to get but I'll make it worth it!

Items Required:


  • 49 75 Gold
  • 980 1,500 Exp


Quest Location: Battleon
Quests Begun From: Cysero
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have completed Guardian Atticus' Quests.
Note: This quest is accepted from Guardian Atticus

I hope you like your presents! Everybody likes presents! Except time travelers… they like pasts and futures just as much.

Items Required:

  • Talk to Cysero x1


  • 3 5 Gold
  • 22 50 Exp



Quest Location: Battleon (Old)
Quests Begun From: Cysero

This game has a lot of room to grow and nothing makes stuff grow better than Alpha-falfa Sprouts! head into the forest and gather 10 from the Frogzards in Greenguard South!

Items Required:


  • 100 Gold
  • 500 Exp
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