Death of Games Boss Fight (Challenge)
- A Mysterious End
- A Portal Home
- AFK: The Game Beleen Intro
- AFK: The Game Beleen Outro
- Bean Twilly (Cutscene)
- Beleen's Outro
- Chairman Books It
- Chairman Platinum (Cutscene)
- Chairman's Deal
- Cheer & Jeer
- Confronting the Death of Games
- Derpicorn Apocalypse in Space Beleen Intro
- Derpicorn Apocalypse in Space Beleen Outro
- DoomKnight Artix
- DoomKnight Artix's Defeat?
- Got the Files
- KIMBr:L3 Finds An Egg!
- Meet Brutalcorn
- Meet Evette
- Meet George Lowe
- Meet Jonathan
- Meet KIMBr:L3
- Meet Robina (2)
- Meet Twilly
- Meet Voltaire
- RetroQuest Worlds Beleen Intro
- RetroQuest Worlds Beleen Outro
- The Bad Ending
- The Death of Games
- The Death of Games Beleen Intro
- The Death of Games Beleen Outro
- The Interview
- The Kidnapping
- The Perfect Solution
- Trapped Hostess
- True Love and a Song
- You Did It!
- Zom-BAE Beleen Intro
- Zom-BAE Beleen Outro
Access Points:
- Interact with Death of Games (NPC) (2) in Lair of the Death of Games after completing the 'Go to the Death of Games' quest
- Interact with Portal Fragment in Death of Games Boss Fight (Story) after completing the 'Go to the Death of Games' quest
- Interact with Portal Fragment in Derp Side of the Moon after completing the 'Go to the Death of Games' quest
- Interact with Portal Fragment in Lair of the Death of Games after completing the 'Go to the Death of Games' quest
- Interact with Portal Fragment in Ring of Doom (Location) after completing the 'Go to the Death of Games' quest
- Interact with Portal Fragment in Scarbucks (Zom-Bae) after completing the 'Go to the Death of Games' quest
- Interact with Portal Fragment in Scarbucks Dance Party (Zom-Bae) after completing the 'Go to the Death of Games' quest
- Interact with Travel Crystal (2) in 8-Bit World after completing the 'Go to the Death of Games' quest
- Interact with Travel Crystal (2) in Scarbucks Dance Party (Zom-Bae) after completing the 'Go to the Death of Games' quest
Note: Transformations are not allowed in this location.