Desperate Heals


Avelaine Morningsong (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): Why isn't any of this working??
Donovan the Bold (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): The wound is just too deep…
Avelaine Morningsong (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): He's the son of our leader! We will not give up on him!
Donovan the Bold (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): We are out of options…
Victor Lionfang (Heir to the Golden Onslaught): Grooooan…
Hero: Victor! Your wounds! Don't try to stand!
Victor Lionfang (Heir to the Golden Onslaught): I… I… Hear something.
Donovan the Bold (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): He must be hallucinating.
Victor Lionfang (Heir to the Golden Onslaught): A beautiful voice is calling me… Can you not hear it?
Avelaine Morningsong (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): Victor, we do not hear anything… Please… Lay back down.
Victor Lionfang (Heir to the Golden Onslaught): The voice ringing through my head is divine… Like a temple bell. It says the amulet is my salvation!

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