- Crypts of Misery - Interact with Paladin Donovan the Boldly Blindfolded during the 'Reach the Spider Chamber' quest
- Dage the Evil - Seleden Wasteland
SPIZOOR (Horrifyingly Giant Doom Spider): ***SKITTER***
Hero: Hoooooly NOPE! Is that a giant spider??
Donovan the Bold (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): Worry not, <Hero>. I can see it no longer.
Donovan the Bold (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): …And what I cannot see, I do not fear.
Donovan the Bold (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): The Tombs were right. Without this weakness, I am unstoppable.
Hero: But Donovan! How are you going to fight that thing if you can't see it?
Donovan the Bold (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): That's why YOU'RE here, <Hero>. You will be my eyes.
Donovan the Bold (Paladin of the Golden Onslaught): Together, we will destroy this monster, and claim the second fragment for Victor!