- Battleon Town Gates - Interact with Guardian Atticus during the 'Deliver the Egg to Battleon' quest
Hero: Excuse me, are you the Guardian, Atticus?
Atticus (Sworn Guardian): BY THE GUARDIAN DRAGON!
Atticus (Sworn Guardian): IS THAT… what I think it is?!
Hero: I was told it's a Dragon Egg.
Atticus (Sworn Guardian): Not just ANY Dragon Egg….
Atticus (Sworn Guardian): Wait, if you brought this here, then…
Atticus (Sworn Guardian): Oh no… what happened at DragonWatch?
Hero: They were overrun by Vane's minions.
«*Moment of silence*»
Atticus (Sworn Guardian): Then the rumors are true.
Atticus (Sworn Guardian): The Void King returned!
Atticus (Sworn Guardian): I will take the Dragon Egg and inform the Council of Guardians.
Atticus (Sworn Guardian): I should tell you…
Atticus (Sworn Guardian): This Dragon Egg is far more important than you could possibly know.
Atticus (Sworn Guardian): Your actions today have given the entire kingdom a fighting chance.
Atticus (Sworn Guardian): On the behalf of Guardian Order, thank you.
Hero: I never did ask… what is a Guardian, exactly?
Atticus (Sworn Guardian): The Guardians are sworn protectors of this land.
Atticus (Sworn Guardian): You have proven today that you have the heart and bravery required to be one of us.
Atticus (Sworn Guardian): But you are going to need to become stronger to fight Vane.
Atticus (Sworn Guardian): There are a lot of people in this land who could use a hero with your skills…
Atticus (Sworn Guardian): Starting in this town.
Atticus (Sworn Guardian): You should check out the shops in town to upgrade your gear, learn new classes, and find some work on the job board.
Atticus (Sworn Guardian): I have a strong feeling that NOW is when your real adventure begins…
Atticus (Sworn Guardian): Battle on!