Dread Pirate Set


Total Cost: 0 Gold
Set Pieces:

Name Level Price
Armor.png Dread Pirate Armor raresmall.png 1 Reward from the 'Roberto's Armor' quest OR Purchase with 0 Gold
Belt.png Dread Pirate Belt raresmall.png 1 Reward from the 'Roberto's Belt' quest OR Purchase with 0 Gold
Boot.png Dread Pirate Boots raresmall.png 1 Reward from the 'Roberto's Boots' quest OR Purchase with 0 Gold
Cape.png Dread Pirate Belt Strap raresmall.png 1 Reward from the 'Roberto's Belt' quest OR Purchase with 0 Gold
Glove.png Dread Pirate Gloves raresmall.png 1 Reward from the 'Roberto's Gloves' quest OR Purchase with 0 Gold
Gun.png Dread Pirate Pistol raresmall.png 1 Reward from the 'Roberto's Hat, Cutlass & Pistol' quest OR Purchase with 0 Gold
Helm.png Dread Pirate Tricorne raresmall.png 1 Reward from the 'Roberto's Hat, Cutlass & Pistol' quest OR Purchase with 0 Gold
Shoulder.png Dread Pirate Crossbones Shoulders raresmall.png 1 Reward from the 'Roberto's Shoulders' quest OR Purchase with 0 Gold
Shoulder.png Dread Pirate Plate Shoulders raresmall.png 1 Reward from the 'Roberto's Shoulders' quest OR Purchase with 0 Gold
Weapon.png Dread Pirate Cutlass & Pistol raresmall.png 1 Reward from the 'Roberto's Hat, Cutlass & Pistol' quest OR Purchase with 0 Gold
Weapon.png Dread Pirate Cutlass raresmall.png 1 Reward from the 'Roberto's Hat, Cutlass & Pistol' quest OR Purchase with 0 Gold

Set Level: 1

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