Quest Locations:
Quests Begun From:
- Blizzy (NPC)
- N/A
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Dungeon - Yettun' quest to access these quests from Blizzy (NPC).
- Meet Blizzy in Frostvale
- One Tiny Tweak
- Excuse Me, Would You Like Some EggMog?
- They're All Monsters!
- No More EggMog!
- Scare Them Off
- Original Recipe
- Up The Mountain
- Pinion the Alchemist
- Can't Hear You, Sonny!
- And A Hot Cup Of Coffee
- Tooo Looouuud
- Go Now
- Spooky
- Powdered Pig Tusks
- Crushed Ice Crystals
- Frozen Treebark
- Fluffy Puffy
- A Much Better Treat
- "Snack" Time
- Find Blizzy
- Time For Your Medicine
- Is It Safe To Come Out Yet?
Meet me in Frostvale if you're a fan of tasty holiday treats. I'd love to let you sample my new EggMog recipe!
Ready to get festive?
Items Required:
- Talk to Blizzy x1
- Interact with Blizzy (NPC) in Frostvale
- 35 Gold
- 350 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
I just need one more ingredient, and my recipe will be perfect! I haven't gotten it yet because, well… it requires fighting some Wild Magical Bushes, and I'm just a tiny moglin.
But you can help me! I just need a few Ripe Glow Berries. You know, those things on the bushes that look like Frostval lights! I think they'll add just the right holiday kick.
Sweet! I just have one more favor to ask of you…
Items Required:
- Handful of Ripe Glow Berries x4
- Dropped by Wild Magical Bush
- 35 Gold
- 350 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
This stuff is the best! You know it. I know it. But we have to make sure everyone else loves it, too.
Here, take these samples. Hand them out to all the Frostvale moglins and see what they think.
Items Required:
- Give Sample to Aspen x1
- Interact with Aspen
- Give Sample to Holly x1
- Interact with Holly
- Give Sample to Sniffle x1
- Interact with Sniffle
- Give Sample to Chilly x1
- Give Sample to Noggy x1
- Interact with Noggy
- Give Sample to Tinsel x1
- Interact with Tinsel
- 35 Gold
- 350 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Oh no! Everyone who drank Blizzy's EggMog has turned into monsters! Even Blizzy!
It's a good think Chilly didn't have any. Maybe you should go check in with him…
We'll figure this out, <Hero>. We have to!
Items Required:
- Talk to Chilly x1
- Interact with Chilly in Frostvale Moglinster
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
First things first. We've got to get rid of all the EggMog that's left. If we don't, then PEOPLE MIGHT DRINK IT, and… we can't let this get any worse!
Whew! Chilly can relax now.
Items Required:
- EggMog Sample x10
- Click/tap on the cups of EggMog
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Augh! All the Moglinsters saw you gathering up the extra EggMog, and now they're coming after it!
Chilly doesn't want to hurt anyone, but those guys are really vicious! Maybe you can just… scare them a little? Make them go away!
This is even more serious than Chilly thought! We may need to get some outside help.
Items Required:
- Moglinster Scared x8
- Dropped by Frosty Moglinster (Level Scaled) (Version 1)
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Before we head out, we need to find Blizzy's original EggMog recipe. We know the last ingredient was Glow Berries. But we need the rest to figure out what went wrong.
It's gotta be around here somewhere, right? Maybe one of the monsters stole it!
You found it? That's great!
Items Required:
- Blizzy's OG EggMog Recipe x1
- Dropped by Frosty Moglinster (Level Scaled) (Version 1)
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
You may also choose one of:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Let's go find that alchemist now! His cabin is just up the mountain slope.
Phew! Chilly is ready for a nap.
Items Required:
- Travel to the Mountain Pass x1
- Enter Winter's Grasp
- Monsters Slain x10
- 35 Gold
- 350 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
We made it! Let's go in and talk to this alchemist guy.
Well? What are you still standing there for?
Items Required:
- Talk to Pinion x1
- Interact with Pinion the Alchemist
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
I can't hear you, sonny! Better go find my hearing aids. Oh, and bring me my glasses, too! I'm sure they're here somewhere.
Yes, I'm sure we can get this all figured out. I just need a few things from you first.
Items Required:
- Pinion's Glasses x1
- Click/tap on the Pinion's Glasses on a table in front of a sofa
- Pinion's Hearing Aid x1
- Click/tap on the sparkles in front of a closet to the left of a fireplace
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
I just need you to find a few things for me. Then I can get to analyzing your Monster Potion, or whatever it is.
I'll need my Potion Book, of course. And my testing kit, and a few small vials.
Oh! And I almost forget the most important thing… a hot cup of coffee.
Thank you. Now, let's see…
Items Required:
- Cup of Coffee x1
- Click/tap on the sparkles on top of a cup on a table
- Hot Cup of Coffee x1
- Click/tap on the sparkles in front of a fireplace
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
It's too loud out there with all those monsters. An old man can barely hear himself think! You're a big, strong hero, aren't you? Be a good <Class> and quiet them down so I can focus.
So, you see the predicament we're in, yes?
Items Required:
- Monsters Silenced x10
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
You may also choose one of:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Well, that's all I have for you. Go, now. Let me get back to sleep.
Is it supposed to be this dark?
Items Required:
- Talk to Chilly x1
- Interact with Chilly in Pinion Pass (Night)
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Is it just me, or did it get spookier out here? Oh, Chilly does NOT like this. Come on, let's get back to Frostvale before things get any worse.
We've gotta hurry and make an antidote!
Items Required:
- Pinion Pass Monsters Slain x12
- Make it thru Winter's Grasp at Night x1
- Walk towards the beam of light in Winter's Grasp (Night)
- Talk to Chilly in Frostvale x1
- Interact with Chilly in Frostvale (Night)
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Okay, okay. The first ingredient Pinion's antidote calls for is… Powdered Pig Tusks. Hey, cool! There are tons of Polar Grizzleboards and Holiday Hams over in Winter's Grasp. Gather a bunch of their tusks and bring them here. You find 'em, Chilly will grind 'em. How does that sound?
Yeah! Those look perfect.
Items Required:
- Big Pig Tush x10
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Next it calls for… Arcane Ice Crystals. Hey, cool! There are Snow Monsters and Ice Revenants in the nearby Frostvale woods. You can get the crystals off of those!
You found some nice, big ones!
Items Required:
- Crushed Ice Crystals x4
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
And last, we need… Frozen Treebark! The best Frozen Treebark comes from Oakenstalk, in Pinion Pass. He won't be willing to hand it over, but it's worth it.
Yeak! This is the stuff.
Items Required:
- Oakenstalk's Treebark x6
- Dropped by Oakenstalk (Level Scaled) (Version 2)
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
What a disaster! You gotta catch all those… those Fluff Puffs before they destroy the whole town!
It's getting close to midnight… if we don't give our friends the antidote before the clock strikes 12, they'll all be Moglinsters forever!
Items Required:
- Fluff Puffs Captured x12
- Dropped by Frosty Fluff
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Well, don't just stand there! Help Chilly find a bunch of gingerbread! We're gonna need a lot of it… enough to hide everyone's antidote.
Chilly hopes this will be enough.
Items Required:
- Gingerbread x10
- Click/tap on the Gingerbread Men scattered around the town
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Chilly hopes you're ready, because there's just one thing left to do: make these Moglinsters take their medicine. Here's hoping they do it willingly!
That went well. Didn't it?
Items Required:
- Medicine Given x10
- Dropped by Frosty Moglinster (Level Scaled) (Version 3)
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
That was everyone, right? Wait, no… we still have to find Blizzy! Where do you think he could be?
Items Required:
- Find Blizzy x1
- Walk towards the beam of light in Frostvale (Night)
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Doesn't look like Blizzy is going to take that antidote willingly! You're going to have to make him. It's for his own good.
Did he eat it? …Is it over?
Items Required:
- Give Blizzy His Medicine x1
- Dropped by Angry Blizzy
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Whew! What a night… all of this nonsense has made Chilly exhausted.
We'll meet back in town in the morning, okay? Surely Blizzy will want to thank you for saving him from himself.
Don't you worry about me! I've learned my lesson… no more EggMog experiments.
Items Required:
- Go See Blizzy x1
- Interact with Blizzy (NPC) in Frostvale
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp