Entering the Dining Hall
- Enter Darkovia Castle Dining Hall during the 'Clear The Room (2)' quest.
«Scene: Hero enters the Castle Dining Hall and sees King Drachus speaking to Ghoulash»
King Drachus (Vampire King): Did Renswald give you the seating list?
Ghoulash (Mutant Ghoul): Grrrrrrrrrrrshhhhhhhhnnnn.
King Drachus (Vampire King's Manservant): Excellent. Make certain that everyone is served as soon as…
Hero: King Drachus!
King Drachus (Vampire King): More interruptions?
Ghoulash (Mutant Ghoul): Ggggllllllllaaaaaahhhhhk?
King Drachus (Vampire King): Oh, well done. Yes, you may serve this mortal as an appetizer.
King Drachus (Vampire King): I leave it in your… hands.