Faith's Quests
Quest Locations:
Quests Begun From: Faith
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
Some folks come to Battleon to become heroes or Guardians. I came for the FISH! The Battleon canals have some of the best fishin' around! I can teach you all the best spots but why dontcha show me that you can catch somethin' first. I can even sell you my old rod to getcha started!
Items Required:
- Catch 3 Coinfish x3
- Fish Coinfish at Battleon Town Square ponds
- 20 Gold
- 200 Exp
Quest Location: Lolosia
Quests Begun From: Faith
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
- Fishing Rank 1: Amateur Angler
- Fishing Rank 2: Chum Bucket
- Fishing Rank 3: Worm Wrangler
- Fishing Rank 4: Gill Scraper
- Fishing Rank 5: Finface
- Fishing Rank 6: Bait Handler
- Fishing Rank 7: Clam Digger
- Fishing Rank 8: Apprentice Fisher

Bring me all the fish I'm askin' for and I'll promote you to Fishing Rank 1: Amateur Angler!
Requires any fishing pole.
Items Required:
- Smellyfish x5
- 20 Gold
- 200 Exp