
- Darkhurst Town
- Darkovia Castle Bridge
- Darkovia Castle Catacombs
- Darkovia Castle Dining Hall
- Darkovia Castle Library
- Darkovia Castle Main Hall
- Darkovia Castle Side Hall
- Darkovia Castle Tower
- Darkovia Clock Tower
- Darkovia Forest
- Deepclaw Caverns
- Dimgrove
- Lychimera Challenge
- Shadowsong Crypt
- Terrortoma Challenge
Price: N/A
- Reward from the 'Slayer Bounty Hunting (Daily)' & 'Slayer Bounty Hunting II (Daily)' quests
- Dropped by:
- Ancient Evil
- Bat Swarm
- Castle Ghoul Minion
- Cave Ghoul
- Clock Tower Knight
- David
- Eugene The Goth
- Feral Frogzard
- Ghoul Minion
- Goulash
- King's Guard (Monster)
- Lord Anemis
- Lycan Guard
- Lychimera
- Monsterous Bat
- Pack Leader Cassius
- Prince's Honor Guard
- Suturexelf
- Terrortoma
- Troma Terrortoma
- Umbral Wolf
- Unbound Vamp
- Vampire Castle Guard
- Vampire Guard
- Vampire Knight (Monster)
- Vampiric Knight
- Warwolf
- Warwolf Chieftain
- Werewolf
Sellback: 0 Gold
Level: 1
Description: Fangs from a creature of the night. ShadowSlayers (like the one in Darkhurst) use these as proof of their victory over the forces of darkness.
- Stacks up to 768 1,000.
- You may have multiple stacks of this item.
- Used in 'ShadowSlayer's Rank Quests' quest.
- Used to craft items in Vampire Castle Crafts