- Nightmare Labyrinth during the Defeat Fleshette quest.
- Kristen - Camp Cabin
«Scene: The Hero confronts Fleshette in the Boiler Room»
Hero: Fleshette, we figured it out.
Hero: We know how to beat you.
Fleshette (Nightmare Killer): Clever little Hero.
«Fleshette waves hand dismissvely»
Fleshette (Nightmare Killer): Don't you realize by now that you can't kill a dream?
«The Hero scratches their head»
Hero: No, I can't… but we can fight you.
Fleshette (Nightmare Killer): You're all alone, hero.
Fleshette (Nightmare Killer): Mine to play with.
Fleshette (Nightmare Killer): And once I scare you to death in the real world…
Fleshette (Nightmare Killer): … your mind becomes part of my Nightmare Labyrinth.
Fleshette (Nightmare Killer): Every mind I add to my collection gives me strength.
Fleshette (Nightmare Killer): Not one of you have the strength to defeat me.
«The Hero waves the issue aside»
Hero: No, we don't.
Hero: Not one of us does. Not alone… but I'm not alone.
Kirsten (Dream Warrior): I'm here with Hero, Fleshette.
«Fleshette jerks back, surprised»
Fleshette (Nightmare Killer): WHAT?!
«Fleshette looks around worriedly»
Kincaid (Compensating): I'm here too, ya wax-faced freak!
Taryn (Self-Medicating Empath): She's scared. I can feel her fear.
Joey (Traumatized): …
Joey (Traumatized): … You're not hurting any of us ever again.
«Fleshette shakes her fist at the air»
Fleshette (Nightmare Killer): This is my world! You… you have no power here!
Hero: Let's test that theory.