1) Since in AQ3D the class abilities' mana costs increase with levels, could it be possible to include charts with the associated level and mana cost?
done, you can see the list on this page. Mana Costs by Level. ~harr
EDIT: Don't want to doublepost so I'll edit this.
2) Could it also be possible to easily have access to other items from a set? Example: At the moment, the "Serpent Fighter" set has 4 items: Armor, boots, gauntlets and shoulders. The armor is for sale in Thok's Warrior Shop and the three other items are drops from 3 different monsters. At the moment, there is no quick way to navigate from a set's item to another. I do believe this would be a pretty neat feature and would be quite appreciated.
working on it. ~harr
3) At the moment, the "Rare" tag is misused. In the "weapons" tab, "Doom Ripper" and "DragonFable sword" are etiquitte'd as "Rare". However, they aren't "rare". An item that is "rare" in an AE game is an item that was purchasable for some time, then was made unpurchasable. People having purchased said item when it was still there get to keep it.
That is not the case with these items. They have been removed/deleted from the game. There are many other items like these that aren't featured on this wiki, such as all of the warrior boots/gloves variants/recolors from Tech Demo. These items will probably return in the future with possibly changed names and stats as totally new items, made available to players differently.
I suggest to either delete these entries (which would make the most sense) or create a "Removed" tag, which could be confusing because there are many items that would categorize with this tag but won't ever make it into the wiki, since they were deleted. Thus, there is no verifiable in-game evidence that they once existed.
done, removed tag is shown on items that are removed and is displayed in a red text. ~harr