The reason why this thread exists is because in the past, we were never consistent with basically everything. Later on, we mixed up note usages which resulted in a large amount of confusion. In order to prevent similar problems in the future, we decided to officially state which is which so our notes will be solid and thorough. This thread is for recall, beneficial and informative purposes.
Note: If there appears to be a note that is not on here or if there is any problem, feel free to contact myself or any staff member.
List of all Notes in this thread:
- Also See's
- Anagram
- Awarded
- Boost
- Changed
- Class
- Click2change
- Code
- Color Custom
- Confirmed
- Daily
- Equip2change
- Form
- Given
- Inscription
- Must
- Morph
- Not
- Obtained Once
- Owned
- Parody
- Previously Called
- Previously Free Player / Legend
- Previously / Previously Not
- Replacement
- Required
- Requires
- Seen
- Stack
- Starts
- Still
- Themed
- Time
- Translation
- Used
- When
This list does not compose of every note in the Wiki.
Also See's
For Singles:
**Note:** Also see [[[Page Name Goes Here]]].
**Note:** Also see [[[Scissors]]].
For two or more:
* Also see:
* [[[Page Name Goes Here]]].
* [[[Page Name Goes Here]]].
* Also see:
* [[[BIG Dual Bowies]]].
* [[[Dundoo's Dual Bowies]]].
If you have not noticed, Also See's generally go last in note order because it's not important if you compare to others.
In order for Also See's to apply for a page. They must be either:
Disambiguation reference.
Discontinued subject linked to new subject.
Global Lists.
If an armor has some sort of relation to the garb that is worn by NPCs or Monsters
Do not link if it's either:
Quest item linking to reward item (See Dual Champion Blade of Nulgath)
Anything that conflicts the applicable rules
For listing, it may go to however long it needs to. Beware of having around 10 or more also see's. The reason is because a global list such as List of all DoomKnight Armors is created to prevent page expansion.
There may be an occasion where the global list does not happen simply because the reason being that the list is too general. (Example: Red Cape) If you are not sure, contact a staff member.
Anagram - Associates with names
**Note:** (Page Name) is an anagram of (Original / Real Name).
Awarded - Associates with prize
**Note:** This item was awarded to [those who won / the winner] of the (source / announcement [name]) contest.
If there is no source, then you don't have to link but instead state what the contest name was.
Boost - Associates with boosts (+cp, +gold, +rep, +xp, +dmg2chaos, +dmg2dragon, +dmg2elemental, +dmg2human, +dmg2monsters and +dmg2undead)
During a Class Points situation:
**Note:** When equipped, this item provides a [Number%] bonus to Class Points.
**Note:** When equipped, this item provides a 5% bonus to Class Points.
During an EXP situation:
**Note:** When equipped, this item provides a [Number%] bonus to EXP.
**Note:** When equipped, this item provides a 5% bonus to EXP.
During a Gold situation:
**Note:** When equipped, this item provides a [Number%] bonus to Gold when battling monsters or turning in quests.
**Note:** When equipped, this item provides a 5% bonus to Gold when battling monsters or turning in quests.
During a Reputation situation:
**Note:** When equipped, this item provides a [Number%] bonus to Reputation gained from quests.
**Note:** When equipped, this item provides a 5% bonus to Reputation gained from quests.
During a Damage situation:
**Note:** When equipped, this item does [Number%] more damage to [[[(Monster List Page Name) | (Monster Kind) Monsters]]].
**Note:** When equipped, this item does 50% more damage to [[[List of all Undead Monsters | Undead Monsters]]].
If the item is proclaimed to boost and does not:
**Note:** This item does **not** do additional damage to monsters or provide additional Class Points, EXP and Reputation.
Reminder that this applies to both items like that are not supposed and items that are supposed to boost. This being said, do not add the tags on.
If the item is not supposed to boost, the note only goes if it is similar to Platinum DragonAxe of Victory +15 and not normal, ordinary items.
If the description clearly states that this item provides a boost with the percentage, do not add notes. (Example) If you're not sure, contact a staff member.
When encountering an item that deals with double, triple boost, please use 2x, 3x, Etc. instead.
If an item such as (Earth Orb) has more than 1 boost applied to it, split each with commas and connect the last one with and.
If you're stuck or confused on dealing with a page that appears to be similar to Medallion of Order. Talk to a staff member about it to get it solved.
Changed - Associates with evolve
Items that have the 'evolve' tag: (Example)
**Note:** This item was changed to [[[Item That Got Changed To]]] on [Month Day], [Year].
Items that were changed from 'evolve' items: (Example)
**Note:** This item was changed from [[[Item That Got Changed From]]] on [Month Day], [Year].
Please use proper Ordinal Number Suffixes when listing Day. (Example: 3rd, 22nd, 17th)
Class - Associates with class
**Note:** This class has the same skills as [[[Class Name]]].
For two or more:
* This class has the same skills as:
* [[[Class Name]]].
* [[[Class Name]]].
Click2change - Associates with click2change
This one bends to several directions. Usually, we do not add the note, but we add another image to display what the item looks like when clicked.
If the image has a complex spot on where to click in order to change, add a note or a picture that can indicate where to click. ( Example)
If there are no pictures showing the animation, add a note on a choice of your wording.
Default note:
**Note:** Click to activate or deactivate item animation.
If the item has an animation that eventually returns back to its normal version.
**Note:** Click to activate item animation.
If the item has many versions attached to it.
**Note:** Click to change between versions.
If the image tabs have specific names. (Example of non-specific names would be: "1", "2", "Version 2")
**Note:** Click to change between the (Specific Tab Name) and (Specific Tab Name).
Code - Associates with Valencia's Special Offer Items
**Note:** Code is **"(Code)"**.
If the item comes from a shop, do not put the note on the item page and instead, the shop page.
Color Custom - Associates with colorcustom and full-color
List of all Color Properties:
- Hair
- Skin
- Eye
- Base
- Trim
- Accessory
**Note:** Color Custom to (Color Property) Color.
Because we like to be specific, it's always best to indicate which parts are Color Custom. If you are having problems, contact a staff member and they may assist you for identifying the part that is Color Custom.
At times, the item's description may contain the Color Custom details. If the detail is not specific enough, then add the note.
If two or more Color Custom properties:
* Color Custom to (First Color Custom Property)
* Color Custom to (Second Color Custom Property)
If the item appears to have more than one Color Custom property; list them all, and place them just like how the list did above.
For Armors and Helms, we do not consider Hair, Skin, Eyes and Toe Nails as Color Custom parts because they're part of the Armor or Helm template.
Confirmed - Associates with anything that has an official mention from an official source
**Note:** Confirmed [to / by / in] [subject or source, and usually gets linked] [to be a (Number)% drop rate / that this item stacks up to (Number)].
Though this note may be vague due to the range, you'll have to decide how to work this note out.
Daily - Associates with daily
These generally fall under the quest pages, and never the item pages.
**Note:** This quest can only be completed **once** a day.
Or if it's a global note as in referring the entire page or the entire set of a section.
**Note:** These quests can only be completed **once** a day.
If the quest is open on a specific day:
**Note:** This quest is only available on (Day).
Global note:
**Note:** These quests are only available on (Day).
Once per log-in:
**Note:** This quest can only be completed **once** per log-in.
Reminder that these notes are done separately if the quest qualifies all conditions.
Equip2change - Associates with equip2change
**Note:** This item changes when you relog or re-equip it.
Form - Associates with randomlygenerated
**Note:** Has many different forms.
Given - Associates with items given for a particular reason - common note usage usually associates with prize
**Note:** This item was given to [a group of players or winners].
You may also want to state all the details you can so your way of informing may excel.
Below are examples on how you may decide to expand the note only if it's necessary and appropriate.
Date: (Example)
**Note:** This item was given to 2nd Upholders on November 3rd, 2010.
Reason: (Example)
**Note:** This item was given to the winner of the [ Win an iPad Thingy...] contest through SuperRewards offers.
Reminder that you will never list any player's name.
Inscription - Associates with inscription
**Note:** Inscription on (Specific Part) translates to **"[Translation]"**.
Since this can be open to how you direct it or add, make it common sense so viewers may follow through and understand.
Translation letters are always capitalized no matter what unless there is an exception. (An example can be Greek)
Morph - Associates with morph only when genders are switched around
**Note:** If your character is male, then your character appears as female. If your character is female, then your character appears as male.
Must - Associates with anything that requires a specific quest or set of quests in order or a promotional offer to access or obtain
**Note:** Must have completed [[[A set of Quests]]] to access this [Shop / Screen].
If there is a certain quest:
**Note:** Must have completed the '[[[Specific Quest]]]' quest to access this [Shop / Screen].
If you are required to complete a certain quest to purchase an item from a shop.
**Note:** Must have completed the '[[[Specific Quest]]]' quest to purchase.
Promotional offer:
**Note:** Must have purchased [the / a] (Promotional Offer) [Location of purchase, Etc.] in order to access this shop.
Required for drop:
**Note:** Must have accepted the '[[[Specific Quest]]]' quest for this item to drop.
You'll have to word this on your own because there could be a variety of ways on how a promotional offer works.
There are additional info that can be included such as the time frame, Etc.
Not - Associates with properties to either counter descriptions or logical properties
This one appears to be self-opinionated due to the variety. It's totally fine as long as the note explains what appears to be false. Because we do not have many pages with these notes, try your best to create one. Below are several examples that may be able to assist.
(Example - is not Color Custom.)
(Example - This item does not do bonus damage to [Monster Kind] Monsters.)
Obtained Once - Associates with obtainedonce
**Note:** This item can only be obtained **once**.
There are at times where this note is not needed. Examples of where this note is not needed would be prizes, or special rewards.
(Example of the note not being needed)
Owned - Associates with items that were once obtained but changed to another item while the original item still exists
**Note:** If you obtained this item before [Date], it was changed to [[[New Item's Name]]].
This note is for rare occasions and does not appear even close to rarely. This case is only used at least once or twice.
Parody - Associates with parody
**Note:** This [Item / NPC / Monster / Etc.] is a parody of (Parody of the Subject).
If it's the description only:
**Note:** Description is a parody of (Parody of the Subject).
If it's a song related note:
**Note:** Description is a parody of [Song URL (Mainly Wikipedia) Song's Name] by [Artist URL (Mainly Wikipedia) Artist's Name].
If it's a quest that parodies a song with a lyric:
**Note:** This quest name parodies the song [Song URL (Mainly Wikipedia) Song's Name] by [Artist URL (Mainly Wikipedia) Artist's Name] with the lyric "Exact lyric goes here".
If it's a quest that parodies a title:
Note: This quest name parodies the song [Song URL (Mainly Wikipedia) Song's Name] by [Artist URL (Mainly Wikipedia) Artist's Name].
Now, Parody is indeed straining because there can never be consistency in this. The quotes are just roots, or openings for a parody note. Wherever it leads is within your decision.
It is recommended that you link the parody subject to a reliable source where it contains factual information. (Sites like Wikipedia, IMDb, etc.)
Use quotation marks, bold, italics, when or where necessary. (Songs are always italic)
If the parody content is rated PG-13 or higher, you may still add a note but do not add a link to reference.
Above all else, contact staff for questions on this type of note.
Previously Called
**Note:** Previously called **"Page's Previous Name"**.
**Note:** Previously called **"Mazumi's Upgrade Shop"**.
If the subject has been renamed twice:
**Note:** Previously called **"Recent Previous Name"** and then **"1st Previous Name"**.
If it has been renamed more than twice:
**Note:** Previously called **"Recent Previous Name"**, **"2nd Previous Name"** and then **"1st Previous Name"**.
The key here is to list Latest to Earliest.
Previously Free Player / Legend
For something that was previously available to Free Players:
**Note:** Previously available to Free Players.
For something that was previously Legend.
**Note:** Previously Legend only.
For something that was previously accessible to Free Players.
**Note:** Previously accessible to Free Players.
Previously / Previously Not - Can associate with a variety with the exception of the above Previously mentioned.
**Note:** Previously / Previously Not (Whatever it was Before).
This can be open floor to many situations. Below are a couple of examples where this may be used:
If the weapon type has been changed to another type:
**Note:** Previously a / an [Item Type].
**Note:** Previously a Staff.
If the item is no longer color custom or it was not color custom before:
**Note:** Previously [not] Color Custom.
This excludes "Previously Non-AC" or "Previously AC" because the Price: and Sellback: already explains it.
Replacement - Associates with replacement
If the NPC was replaced by another:
**Note:** Replaced by [[[NPC that replaced this one]]].
If the NPC replaced another
**Note:** Replaces [[[NPC that was replaced by this one]]].
If there is a set of quests that has to be completed in order to see the replacement:
**Note:** [Replaced by / Replaces] [[[NPC that replaces or was replaced]]] replacement after completing [[[A set of Quests]]].
Or if there is a certain quest:
**Note:** [Replaced by / Replaces] [[[NPC that replaces or was replaced]]] after completing the '[[[Specific Quest]]]' quest.
Required - Associates with itemreq
**Note:** Required to accept the '[[[Quest Page Link | Quest's Name]]]' quest.
Two or more:
* Required to accept the following quests:
'[[[First Quest Page Link | Quest's Name]]]'.
'[[[Second Quest Page Link | Quest's Name]]]'.
If it is used to accept all the quests on that page or if the page has one quest… feel free to link just the Quest's Name.
Requires - Associates with Factions
**Note:** Requires Rank [Rank Number] [[[(Faction's Name) Faction | (Faction's Name)]]].
**Note:** Requires Rank 10 [[[Vampire Faction | Vampire]]].
**Note:** This can be seen in the [[[Shop Name]]] shop.
If the shop has the name 'Shop' in it at the end:
**Note:** This can be seen in the [[[(Shop Name) Shop]]].
**Note:** Stacks up to (Number).
Be aware that we do not use "x" (Example: Stacks up to x5).
Starts - Associates to Pets that are 'questgivers'
**Note:** Starts [[[Quests that are activated by this Pet]]] when clicked on.
If it's only to owner:
**Note:** Starts [[[Quests that are activated by this Pet]]] when clicked on. (Only available to owner)
If it has an exclamation mark ("!"):
**Note:** Starts [[[Quests that are activated by this Pet]]] when the **"!"** is clicked on.
And of course add "(Only available to owner)" when the "!" can be only be activated or seen by owner.
**Note:** Still available for owners of [[[Item]]].
Themed - Associates with aethemed
**Note:** This [Item / Monster / NPC / Etc.] is themed from the [(Source Link) (Source's Name)] from [(AE's Game Link) (AE's Game Name].
**Note:** This item is themed from [ Year of the Horse] from [ OverSoul].
The rule here is that the themed subject must be created before AQW did.
Time - Associates with content that have been accidentally given an unintended value or purpose
**Note:** For a short period of time after its release, this [subject] (was [accidental action explained here].
(Example) - Revision 13
Because there can be infinite possibilities of accidents, the note will have to be worded to the best of logic.
Translation - Associates with translation
[Non-English Word] means **"[translation of the word]"** in [language the word is in].
**Note:** Dōtanuki (同田貫) means **"sword that cuts through torsos"** in Japanese.
Chinese and Japanese has Kanji or Symbols that are within their language. We always include the symbols in the note.
If the word's definition appears to be a phrase, do not capitalize the words in the phrase.
**Note:** Cuco means **"Pumpkin Head"** in Portuguese.
This is an example of showing the normal note format.
**Note:** **[ Mapinguari]** usually translates to **"The Roaring Animal"** or **"The Fetid Beast"** in Portuguese.
Clearly, we may encounter a word that does appear on any dictionary such as the example above. Always do a search to explore for answers as these are possible. If you do encounter one, please do it similar to the note above. If you are struggling, contact a staff member.
Final note is please spell out the word exactly the way it normally should in other languages. (Letters like é, è, ù, ç, à, ō, Etc. are basically what I'm talking about)
Used - Associates with mergeitem and questitem
For a Quest situation:
**Note:** Used in the '[[[Quest Page Link | Quest's Name]]]' quest.
If the Quest Page just has one quest or if the item is used in every quest on that page:
**Note:** Used in the [[[Quest Page Link]]].
If the item merges more than two items in a particular shop:
**Note:** Used to merge items in the [[[Merge Shop's Name]]] shop.
If the item is only used to merge one item:
**Note:** Used to merge [[[Item Name]]].
* Used to merge:
* [[[Item Name]]].
* [[[Item Name]]].
We capped the limit to two if both items are in the same shop.
However, there are no limits if the items has no connection to each other.
When - Associates with anything but mostly used with items that show quotes when clicked
When clicked on by [non-owners / owners], (A quote, or whatever that activates after clicking)
As stated, When is mostly used with items that show quotes when clicked. But that does not mean this note restricts itself to When.
If you are eager to use this note for another purpose that does not follow any of the other notes; you may use this note for future pages as long as staff agrees to it.
Final Comments:
As always, contact staff or myself if there is an issue. I intend on getting everyone to at least familiarize themselves with notes. There may be some notes where it just has to be discussed, but that's totally acceptable. I would understand if it becomes a bit difficult to follow, but worry less since staff can correct things and may state what is wrong. But again, contact us or post below if anything bothers you.