Gladwin's Gift
- Dragonwatch Keep - Interact with Gladwin Larrs during the "Test Gladwin's Blade" quest
Hero: Gladwin, you've outdone yourself. This blade is a work of art.
Hero: Ready to get out there and help me with the Voidrakar?
Gladwin Larrs (Dragonwatch Blacksmith): Actually, <Hero>… I want you to keep it.
Hero: What?!
Gladwin Larrs (Dragonwatch Blacksmith): I watched you fightin' those things. Book and blade, they never stood a chance!
Gladwin Larrs (Dragonwatch Blacksmith): If I really want to help my village, I should make sure my weapon is in the right hands.
Gladwin Larrs (Dragonwatch Blacksmith): My people need me here, supportin' the Guardians and organizin' the supplies.
Gladwin Larrs (Dragonwatch Blacksmith): Take it.
Hero: Thank you, Gladwin. I won't dishonor your blade.