Great Great Grandfather


Benoit Trelmonté (Monster Stalker): What is this?
Benoit Trelmonté (Monster Stalker): You found my great, great grandfather's whereabouts?
Benoit Trelmonté (Monster Stalker): Incroyable!

Hero: Oh, it was nothing… really…

Benoit Trelmonté (Monster Stalker): 'Zat is truly incredible.
Benoit Trelmonté (Monster Stalker): May I ask you one last favor now that you've found my great, great grandfather?

Hero: Sure, what do you need?

Benoit Trelmonté (Monster Stalker): Please bring me his remains so that I may put them to rest?
Benoit Trelmonté (Monster Stalker): I will pass down to you a very precious heirloom from our family for your kindness!

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