Quest Location: Nature Guardian Tower
Quests Begun From: Guardian Book
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
- Inspect The Guardian Book
- Find The Second Page
- Find The Third Page
- Find The Fourth Page
- Find the Fifth Page
- Find the Sixth Page
- Find the Seventh Page
- Find the Eighth Page
- Find the Ninth Page
- Find the Tenth Page
- Find The Seeker
- Defeat The Seeker
- Recover the Final Page
- Find Guardian Silvan's Armor
- Find Guardian Silvan's Shoulders
- Find Guardian Silvan's Gloves
- Find Guardian Silvan's Belt
- Find Guardian Silvan's Boots
- Find Guardian Silvan's Helm
- Find Guardian Silvan's Sword
- Defeat Silvan
- Active the Portal
- Speak to the Guardian Dragon
Nobody has been inside this Guardian Tower for ages. At least… No people have. Better check the Guardian Book in the Main Hall. Maybe the journal entries in the rear of the book will give you a clue as to what happened here.
You read the first page…
"My humanity is slipping away… soon I will become like the others. The Guardian Dragon of Nature is dead, and the tower is still under attack. There is not much time left. You should know the truth. So my last act as a Guardian… as a human… shall be to tell the story of what happened here at the Nature Guardian Tower."
The rest of the pages have been ripped out. You see mossy hand prints in the book.
Items Required:
- Read the Last Log Entry x1
- Click on Guardian Book throughout the area
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The green hand prints in the back of the book lead you to believe that one of the zombie-like Verdurous Guardians might have the next journal page.
"My name is SILVAN it's hard to believe it has been a year since I took my Oath to become a Guardian. To think I came seeking the Guardian's help. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would become one… but they never should have let me join the Order. I now know, the Guardian Dragon knew the REAL reason I was here from the moment she met me…"
The Verdurous Guardian that you found this entry on had a small iron nail embedded in its hand.
Items Required:
- Find Page on any Verdurous Creature x1
- Dropped by:
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The iron nail you found in that poor zombified Guardian's hand is like those used to seal the wooden containers around the tower. See if you can find the next entry there.
"… You need to understand this Guardian Tower of Nature protects an artifact of great power. The Greenguard Mystic the Voice of the Forest… all their power comes from the artifact. It is the source of Heartwood's Nature magic. I was told the Guardian Dragon bestowed this artifact upon Heroes that were worthy, so I came to earn it… or take it. Maybe I should tell you why…"
This entry looks like it's been chewed on
Items Required:
- Find Page in Empty Crates x1
- Click on Empty Crates throughout the area
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Looking at the chewed edges of the previous entry, you see what looks like a cross between a tooth anf a thorn stuck in the parchment. It looks like a Thornwing's Tooth.
"…My home town was in a forest near here. It was alive and beautiful but now everything is dead… or undead People call it DoomWood. I couldn't stop it. But with the Guardian's artifact. I could bring life back and save it! I asked for help but was asked to join. I took the Oath, completed the challanges and I earned my armor like you must have. I was so proud. I even marked all of my armor with the symbol of my town…"
The next entry must be with one of the author's armor pieces.
Items Required:
- Find the Entry on Thornwings x1
- Dropped by Thornwing
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The blade's handle and hilt were smudged with ash and coal dust. Several og the braziers that light the tower have gone out. You might find the next entry there.
"With my armor set complete. I was granted audience with the Nature Guardian Dragon! What a sight to behold! I trembled in awe. And when I told the Great Dragon my story and requested the power of the artifact to save my home, he stared into my soul, and slowly replied in a warm, friendly tone and simply said…. "NO". So I…"
There are a few shreds of paper here where the next entry was torn out.
Items Required:
- Find Page in Brazier Torches x1
- Click on Brazier Torches throughout the area
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
All the other entries were torn out whole but it seems like this page might have been ripped to shreds by the carnivera. Slay them until you find every scarp of this page.
"… I Stole the artifact from the Nature Guardian Dragon, I stole it and I ran. He did not lift a claw. Just watched as I ran out of the giant door of his chamber. Was this still part of the Guardian's Test? Did he know what would happen next? Because it was at that moment, that THEY attacked…"
The remains of this page are water stained.
Items Required:
- Get Page Scraps from Carnivera x5
- Dropped by Carnivera
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The remains of this page seem to be water stained and some of the remaining ink is smudged as if it was wet… you'll probably find this next entry in some water.
"… A SEEKER and its minions attacked the Guardian Tower. I had never even seen one of these demoniod creatures before! They flooded the tower , furiously wiping out all of my Guardian friends. How is it so powerful!? I stood at the door, forced to choose. Do I flee and return home with the artifact's power to bring life back to my town, or stand and flight the Seeker alongside my Guardian brothers and sisters?"
There are vines growing where the next pahe should be…
Items Required:
- Find Page in the water x1
- Click on highlighted areas of water
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The thin, grasping vines in this part of the book tell you nothing. Any of the monsters of the tower could have this page. Kill them until you find it.
"… I fled. It wrenches my heart to tell you this but you must know the truth, I fled knowing the situation was hopeless. The Seeker was too strong! Even stronger than the things that destroyed my home, I don't even know why there are hellbent on killing the Guardians. There were just too many of them. But then I realized… I had the artifact— the Nature Guadian Orb if there was even a chance… "
Where this page should be you find a few flecks of marble.
Items Required:
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
You realize that the chips of marble that you found could have only come from the marble bases of the Guardian Statues you've seen around the tower.
"… I returned. With the Nature Guardian Orb in my hand I fought the Seeker and Its minions, I thought for sure that I had done the right thing… but the look on the Guardian Dragon's ancient face told me otherwise. It unleashed its ultimate magic here, in the middle of the Guardian Tower. Yes, it defeated the Seeker's minions… but the cost… The blast of nature magic killed the Guardian Dragon and all of the Guardians fighting alongside me too… "
a mossy handprint sits here.
Items Required:
- Find Page in Guardian Statue Bases x1
- Click on Statue throughout the area
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
You have come to understand what a moss-covered hand print means. A Verdurous Guardian has the tenth entry.
"… The Nature Guardian Orb's magic unleashed nature magic in every direction! Now, like my fellow guardians before me, my skin is turning to bark, moss and organic life consumes my bones and armor. What have I done? Yet the Seeker seems immune! So my final act will be to trap him instead… a prison of earthly vines… "
Items Required:
- Find Entry on Verdurous Guardians x1
- Dropped by:
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Could the Seeker that brought destruction to this tower still be alive after all this time? You have seen the hallway covered in vines but thought it was just an overgrown part of the tower. That MUST be where the Seeker is!
Items Required:
- Slash through the Vines x1
- Dropped by Vines (1)
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
This is one of the creatures that count themselves are the eternal enemies of the Guardians. Somehow it's still alive after all these years. You have to destroy it before it gets out!
Items Required:
- Slay the Seeker x1
- Dropped by Nature Seeker
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
On the floor you find the final page of the Guardian Book. Return it to the book and see what it says.
"… My humanity is slipping away. Soon I will be like the others. If you read this, then you now know the truth. I will seal my self and the artifact in the Tower, Guardian. It is now your quest to CLAIM MY ARMOR, destroy whatever I have become, and take the artifact. Take it safely to the Great Dragon in the Tower of Battleon. He will know what to do. Forgive me for this terrible curse I brought upon us all. "
This last page is covered in ash and soot… a clue to the armor.
Items Required:
- Talk the Final Page x1
- Click on Page throughout the area
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
There is a scrawled note at the bottom of this entry leading you to believe that one of the Verdurous creatures must be wearing Silvan's armor. Find which one.
You found the wretched plant zombie that was wearing Silvan's chest piece. It even has her village's symbol inside the chest piece.
There is also a quick drawing of a pair of shoulder plates next to another image…
Items Required:
- Find on Any Verdurous Creatures x1
- Dropped by:
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The sketch of the shoulder pauldrons is next to a sketch of a spear. The kind of spear held by the huge Hulking Guardian Spear Bearer Statues that litter the tower. Silvan must have hidden her shoulders on one of the statues.
Once again, you find the mark of Silvan's village. This one has no notes, but there are some very interesting scratches on the shoulders.
Items Required:
- Search the Guardian Spear Bearer Statues x1
- Click on Statues throughout the area
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The scratches and scrapes on these shoulders are unmistakable. They came from deadly Carnivera claws and teeth. They might have the next piece of Silvan's armor.
The gloves, like everything else, are in remarkably good condition, as if something were protecting this armor from the mossy and leafy corruption that has taken over the rest of the tower.
Inside the gloves you find a few blue and green threads.
Items Required:
- Slay Carniveras and Find the Gloves x1
- Dropped by Carnivera
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The threads inside the gloves match the tattered rugs found throughout the tower. Check the rugs and see if you can find something.
Under one of the rugs you found a small hollowed out space containing a Nature Guardian Belt marked with Silvan's town symbol.
In the hollowed out space, you also found a feather-like leaf.
Items Required:
- Investigate the Rugs x1
- Click on Rugs throughout the area
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The feather-like leaf that you found in the hollowed out space could have only come from a Heartwood Thornwing. The shiny mental of the boots must have caught its… wait, they don't have eyes…
The thornwing had the boots stuck in the back of its enormous mouth. Maybe it thought it was food.
Inside one of the boots you find a picture of a stylized helm. What could it mean?
Items Required:
- Slay Thornwings to Find the Boots x1
- Dropped by Thornwing
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Something about stylized helm sketched on the note reminds you of something that you've seen around the tower… maybe you should look around.
Behind the banner with the Guardian Helm, you find an area cut out of the wall containing Silvan's actual helm.
The space is large enough to contain a sword but all you find are more mossy handprints.
Items Required:
- Locate The Helm Banner x1
- Click on Helm Banner throughout the area
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Those mossy hand prints can only mean that one of the plant-zombie Guardians has been here and taken Silvan's Guardian Blade. Find which one carries it and complete Silvan's set.
The Nature Guardian Blade gleams gold and green in the torchlight. The crosspiece has Silvan's town symbol etched on it.
You have everything you need to face Silvan.
Items Required:
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The vines sealing that door have fallen away and you feel the energy pulsing behind it . It is now your responsibility to slay whatever Silvan has become, sealed away in its chamber and reclaim the Nature Orb for the Guardians.
You hold in your hands the mighty Nature Orb. You've seen what devastation its power can unleash. This belongs with the Guardian Dragon. Time to activate the portal and travel back to Battleon Guardian Tower to deliver it.
Items Required:
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
In one of Silvan's curled leaves, you find the key to the Nature Guardian Tower Portal Room. It's time to activate the portal and take this orb back to the Guardian Dragon in Battleon.
Items Required:
- Talk Orb to the Portal Room x1
- Click on highlighted area in Nature Guardian Tower Hall
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The Guardian Dragon will want to speak with you.
The Nature Orb is once again in the care of the Guardians. We must learn from Silvan's tale and ressist the temptation to use the uncontrollable power of these Orbs.
Items Required:
- Talk to the Dragon x1
- Interact Guardian Dragon in Hall Of Secrets
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp