Heartwood Caves
Dungeon Level: 7+ (Scaled)
Difficulty: Normal
Recommended Players: 1-3
Deep caverns honeycombing the stony cliffs of Heartwood. Some say an ancient Greenguard Mystic Shrine can be found within.
- Part 1:
- Part 2:
- Part 3:
- Part 4:
- Part 5:
- Part 6:
- Part 7:
Lobby: Heartwood Forest
Party Size: 3
- When you start a dungeon, you may start off in or with a different part than the ones listed in order. The only exception is Part 4, which is the final room.
- In order to progress in parts 1-6, Carnivera must be defeated to get rid of the vines blocking the entry to the next part.
- During the 'Speak to the Mystic Spirit' and 'Protect Reed' quest. Reed is present.
- Normal Elementals can only be summoned during 'Protect Reed' quest and can only be summoned once.
- After completing the 'Speak to the Voice of the Forest' quest, an option becomes available to summon the Mystic Elementals. Defeating them all gives the 'Heartwood Elemental Fight' badge.