Quest Location: Battleon Bank
Quests Begun From: Hedwig Hootenheim
Note: These quests can only be completed once. The exact amount of security badges needed to finish vault security rank 1 to 9 is 9542 badges.
- Talk to Hootenheim
- Stop The Robbery
- Vault Security - Rank 1
- Vault Security - Rank 2
- Vault Security - Rank 3
- Vault Security - Rank 4
- Vault Security - Rank 5
- Vault Security - Rank 6
- Vault Security - Rank 7
- Vault Security - Rank 8
- Vault Security - Rank 9
- Catch Vulgren!
Hedwig Hootenheim Esq. is the branch manager of the Battleon Bank. Speak to him.
Items Required:
- Talk to Branch Manager x1
- Click on Hedwig Hootenheim
- 0 Gold
- 21 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed previous quest
Bank Robbers! Hoo! Someone stop these scoundrels!
Thank you so much for stopping those robbers! That's the third time this month. We've got to do something about this!
Items Required:
- Defeat Bank Robbers x10
- Dropped by Bank Robber
- Defeat Pumken x1
- Dropped by Pumken
- Defeat Honey Moglin
- Dropped by Honey Moglin
- 21 Gold
- 210 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Enter the vaults and see if you can make it past our security. You will find the entrance to the vaults across the room. Return to me with 52 Security Badges and I will promote you to Vault Security Rank 1.
Hoo! This list of our most valuable items certainly is… interesting. Come directly to me with any other suspicious items you may find. It seems there are still some holes in our vault security. Thank you for testing them. I hereby promote you to Vault Security Rank 1!
Items Required:
- Enter Security Vault x1
- Walk to the Security Vault at Battleon Bank
- Security Badges x52
- 520 Gold
- 260 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Enter the Security Vault and make it past our security. Return to me with 150 Security Badges and I will promote you to Vault Security Rank 2.
Hoo! It seems there are still some holes in our vault security. Thank you for testing them. I hereby promote you to Vault Security Rank 2!
Items Required:
- Enter Security Vault x1
- Walk to the Security Vault at Battleon Bank
- Security Badges x150
- 546 Gold
- 260 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Enter the Security Vault and see if you can make it past our security. You will find the entrance to the vaults across the room. Return to me with 330 Security Badges and I will promote you to Vault Security Rank 3.
Hoo! It seems there are still some holes in our vault security. Thank you for testing them. I hereby promote you to Vault Security Rank 3!
Items Required:
- Enter Security Vault x1
- Walk to the Security Vault at Battleon Bank
- Security Badges x330
- 572 Gold
- 260 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Enter the Security Vault and see if you can make it past our security. You will find the entrance to the vaults across the room. Return to me with 450 Security Badges and I will promote you to Vault Security Rank 4.
Hoo! It seems there are still some holes in our vault security. Thank you for testing them. I hereby promote you to Vault Security Rank 4!
Items Required:
- Enter Security Vault x1
- Walk to the Security Vault at Battleon Bank
- Security Badges x460
- 598 Gold
- 260 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Enter the Security Vault and see if you can make it past our security. You will find the entrance to the vaults across the room. Return to me with 660 Security Badges and I will promote you to Vault Security Rank 5.
I'm very happy that you returned my keys to me, hero. I have NO IDEA who they could have gotten all the way down there in the vaults. Let's keep this between us. Hoo!
Items Required:
- Enter Security Vault x1
- Walk to the Security Vault at Battleon Bank
- Security Badges x660
- 624 Gold
- 260 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Enter the Security Vault and see if you can make it past our security. You will find the entrance to the vaults across the room. Return to me with 990 Security Badges and I will promote you to Vault Security Rank 6.
Hoo! It seems there are still some holes in our vault security. Thank you for testing them. I hereby promote you to Vault Security Rank 6!
Items Required:
- Enter Security Vault x1
- Walk to the Security Vault at Battleon Bank
- Security Badges x990
- 650 Gold
- 260 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Enter the Security Vault and see if you can make it past our security. You will find the entrance to the vaults across the room. Return to me with 1,400 Security Badges and I will promote you to Vault Security Rank 7.
Hoo! It seems there are still some holes in our vault security. Thank you for testing them. I hereby promote you to Vault Security Rank 7!
Items Required:
- Enter Security Vault x1
- Walk to the Security Vault at Battleon Bank
- Security Badges x1,400
- 676 Gold
- 260 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Enter the Security Vault and see if you can make it past our security. You will find the entrance to the vaults across the room. Return to me with 2,200 Security Badges and I will promote you to Vault Security Rank 8.
Hoo! It seems there are still some holes in our vault security. Thank you for testing them. I hereby promote you to Vault Security Rank 8!
Items Required:
- Enter Security Vault x1
- Walk to the Security Vault at Battleon Bank
- Security Badges x2,200
- 702 Gold
- 260 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Enter the Security Vault and see if you can make it past our security. You will find the entrance to the vaults across the room. Return to me with 3,300 Security Badges and I will promote you to Vault Security Rank 9.
Hoo! Betrayed by our own head of security. I can hardly believe it!
Items Required:
- Enter Security Vault x1
- Walk to the Security Vault at Battleon Bank
- Security Badges x3,300
- 728 Gold
- 260 Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Hoo! Vulgren ran down into the Deep Vault! You've got to catch him! If you manage to stop that traitor I will promote you Vault Security Rank 10 and I will even give you a free vault of your own! Catch him!
Hoo! Well done, hero! I hereby promote you to Vault Security Rank 10. (ALSO you will get your free bonus Bank Vault in the next major AdventureQuest 3D Update!)
Items Required:
- Enter the DEEP VAULT! x1
- Walk to the Deep Vault at Battleon Bank
- Catch Vulgren
- Dropped by Vulgren
- 780 Gold
- 260 Exp