Arathor Havenshield
I've been sent to track down a betrayer of my order. A knight named Morrigan has fallen to the Void and must be brought to justice. I was told you have had a history of dealing with creatures of the Void, so I'm seeking out your assistance seemed like the optimal next step to take in my quest. If you agree, then please, come along with me to the forest I've tracked Morrigan to.
Arathor Havenshield
Thank you for coming, but things are worse than I feared.
Items Required:
- Talk to Arathor at the Forest Path x1
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Arathor Havenshield
Morrigan seems to be joined by Cultists, Voidrakar, and, worst of all, some Void Knights. <Hero> we must stop the spread of the Void here or its corrupting force could contaminate everything. We will have to fight our way deeper into this invading force.
Arathor Havenshield
Just as I thought, you are quite capable of dealing with creatures of the Void.
Items Required:
- Slay Voidrakar Soldiers x5
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Arathor Havenshield
The Soldiers seemed to be serving as guards for the Cultists. Be careful when facing them <Hero>. Not that you need me to tell you but their magic is quite deadly.
Arathor Havenshield
With their cultists slain, we've done major damage to their ranks.
Items Required:
- Slay Voidrakar Cultists x10
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Arathor Havenshield
Have you noticed those chests? I think they're supplies. <Hero>, destroy those caches.
Arathor Havenshield
With their supplies destroyed, this should slow them down at the very least.
Items Required:
- Destroy Voidrakar Caches x4
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Arathor Havenshield
Void Knights are quite powerful <Hero>, they're much more powerful than then Soldiers and Cultists we've faced so far, but, I if we destroy them… It will be a major blow to this invasion force and bring me one step closer to bringing in Morrigan…
Arathor Havenshield
With the knights dead, we can push forward, it seems there's one more hurdle we must overcome.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Arathor Havenshield
I've never seen anything like this, that massive Void Goliath must be slain. <Hero> ready yourself and bring down this unnatural creature.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Arathor Havenshield
Hail, <Hero>! It's good to see you once more. I'd like to introduce you to some of my comrades in the Iron Bulwark. I received a letter that they would be traveling to set up camp to aid with my mission to bring Morrigan into custody. Let's travel to Treefern Ravine and meet up with them.
Items Required:
- Travel to Treefern Ravine x1
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Arathor Havenshield
Did you hear that, <Hero>? It we must hurry and investigate that sound. The Bulwark might need our aid!
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Arathor Havenshield
The Bulwark needs our help! Let us drive back these scoundrels!
Items Required:
- Merchants of Death Slain x10
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Arathor Havenshield
Now that the bandits have been pushed back, let's head into camp.
Arathor Havenshield
It's nice to have a little bit of a breather after that.
Items Required:
- Travel to the Iron Bulwark Camp in Treefern Ravine x1
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Arathor Havenshield
<Hero>, I'd like you to meet the rest of the Bulwark knights in camp. They're just over there. Why don't you start by introducing yourself to Alissa Mabbot, our blacksmith?
Alissa Mabbot
It's nice to meet you, <Hero>! You should go say hi to Stanton and Renato, too.
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Alissa Mabbot
Stanton is just over there by the tent. He's an amazing cook, y'know!
Stanton Graham
You handled yourself pretty well out there. Why don't you go talk to Renato? I think he wanted to ask you something.
Items Required:
- Talk to Stanton Graham x1
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Stanton Graham
It was nice talking to you, <Hero>. I think Renato had something he wanted to ask you.
Renato Lancaster
It is such an honor to finally meet you! I'm sure you'll have no problem getting the materials I need.
Items Required:
- Talk to Stanton Graham x1
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Renato Lancaster
Those bandits stole all our supplies, including our first-aid supplies… Could you travel into the forest to gather some materials I can use to treat wounds?
Renato Lancaster
Thank you, <Hero>! I knew I could count on you. You should talk to Stanton, I think he had a request for you.
Items Required:
- Treefern Carniverling Sap x10
- Treefern Gorillaphant Saliva x10
- Bandages Recovered from Merchants of Death x5
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Stanton Graham
Those vagabonds made it off with more than just our medical supplies - they stole our food, too! They say an army marches to the beat of their stomach, so at this rate we won't be marching at all. Head into the ravine and see what you can find out there for me to cook, <Hero>. I'll make sure you get extra desert - fair is fair, after all!
Stanton Graham
If you ever wanna drop the whole "adventuring hero" thing. I could always use a kitchen aid, haha… but for now, Arathor mentioned wanting to talk to you.
Items Required:
- Treefern Boar Meat x15
- Treefern Rocky Salt Pebbles x6
- Treefern Apples x10
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Arathor Havenshield
Now that we've had time to fortify our camp, I think it's time we start planning our counterattack on those bandits. Why don't you head out into the ravine and see what you can find? We'll remain here and defend the camp.
Arathor Havenshield
So they seem to be grounded around that house in the middle of the Ravine?
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Arathor Havenshield
You should talk to its owner and see what he knows.
Items Required:
- Talk to Bobbert Bobfield x1
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Bobbert Bobfield
Please get my house key back from these scoundrels!
Bobbert Bobfield
Thank you so much, I heard them talking about a secret passage behind the right-most waterfall.
Items Required:
- Bobbert Bobfield's House Key Found x1
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Arathor Havenshield
Let us travel with haste to their hideout and strike while they don't expect us!
Items Required:
- Travel to the Waterfall x1
- Walk towards the beam of light
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*No description*
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*No description*
Items Required:
- Merchants of Death Killed x4
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*No description*
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*No description*
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*No description*
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*No description*
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*No description*
Items Required:
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
I should speak with Arathor in camp.
Arathor Havenshield
Thank you, for all you have done here…
Items Required:
- Talk to Arathor in Camp x1