Your Reputation (1/34) "Uninvited"
You're not invited, but you're here.
Your Reputation (2/34) "Fresh Meat"
Ahhh! Fresh Meat! You're ready to be butchered!
Your Reputation (3/34) "Appetizer"
You are largely regarded as a mouth-watering, savory appetizer by the monsters of this party.
Your Reputation (4/34) "Entree"
You're big enough to be seen as a full dinner!
Your Reputation (5/34) "Desert"
Mmmm! You're pretty sweet person!
Your Reputation (6/34) "To-Go Bag"
So delicious that you'll be perfect for take-out!
Your Reputation (7/34) "Left Overs"
So filling that there will be some for later!
Your Reputation (8/34) "Midnight Snack"
The mightiest snack attack around!
Your Reputation (9/34) "Unappetizing"
Sometimes too much of a good thing is bad. You're becoming unappetizing!
Your Reputation (10/34) "Stomach Ache"
Eating too much generally causes tummy-aches… But you're so delicious!
Your Reputation (11/34) "Unsavory"
You've become such a big deal that it would be… Unsavory to eat you now.
Your Reputation (12/34) "Food Poisoning"
If anyone were to chow down on a Hero sandwich now they had best be prepared for some major food poisoning!
Your Reputation (13/34) "Endangered Species"
It'd be a tragedy to put you on a dinner plate… You're one of a kind after all!
Your Reputation (14/34) "Protected Species"
Your tales of ballroom brawling have made you a bit of a treasure to the monster community. You've become a protected species.
Your Reputation (15/34) "Pet"
You've started a trend of monsters wanting pet heroes. But you're the goodest Hero of them all, aren't you? Who's a good Hero!?
Your Reputation (16/34) "Mascot"
Weird, but there are rumors of vampires and werewolves dressing up as a cartoonish version of you at sporting events.
Your Reputation (17/34) "Adored Doll"
Majestic and fabulous! A Hero makes for a perfect accessory!
Your Reputation (18/34) "Monster's Best Friend"
Loyal and friendly! A Hero makes for a perfect companion to any monster!
Your Reputation (19/34) "My precious"
You've gained a cult following, they're not stalkers they're your fans!
Your Reputation (20/34) "One of Us"
You've been accepted into the monster community as an honorary monster.
Your Reputation (21/34) "Family"
Welcome to the family, Hero!
Your Reputation (22/34) "Moshpit Minion"
You're becoming the life of the party, one with the moshpit.
Your Reputation (23/34) "Promenade Peasant"
You're starting to gain the attention of monster nobility! There's no time like the PEASANT[/] to make a name for yourself.
Your Reputation (24/34) "Yeoman-stral"
You are largely regarded as a mouth watering, savory appetizer by the monsters of this party.
Your Reputation (25/34) "Gentry of Gambol"
You are largely regarded as a mouth watering, savory appetizer by the monsters of this party.
Your Reputation (26/34) "Squire of Swing"
You are largely regarded as a mouth watering, savory appetizer by the monsters of this party.
Your Reputation (27/34) "Mid-Knight Waltz"
You are largely regarded as a mouth watering, savory appetizer by the monsters of this party.
Your Reputation (28/34) "Baronet of Boogie"
You are largely regarded as a mouth watering, savory appetizer by the monsters of this party.
Your Reputation (29/34) "Baron of the Ballroom"
You are largely regarded as a mouth watering, savory appetizer by the monsters of this party.
Your Reputation (30/34) "Viscount of Congo"
You are largely regarded as a mouth watering, savory appetizer by the monsters of this party.
Your Reputation (31/34) "Rhythm Count"
You are largely regarded as a mouth watering, savory appetizer by the monsters of this party.
Your Reputation (32/34) "Marquess of the Mosh Pit"
You are largely regarded as a mouth watering, savory appetizer by the monsters of this party.
Your Reputation (33/34) "Duke of Dance"
You are largely regarded as a mouth watering, savory appetizer by the monsters of this party.
Your Reputation (34/34) "Monster Ballroom Royalty"
You are officially royalty at the Monster Ball!