Lost Aqua Soldier Cape

Location: Underwater Ship Yard (Dungeon)
Price: N/A (Dropped by Treasure Chest (Monster) (2))
Sellback: 0 Gold
Level: 1
Description: Legendary lost treasure of Atlantis. The stocks of this cape has been lost in multiple battles, making it amiss even from the Royal Guard's armory. The ones the Elite Guard carry are the only copies left in the kingdom. Giving it a pseudo legendary status.

Tathered and damaged due to a previous battle and completely useless in combat, take it to Kenai' to see if he can modify it for combat.

Unlocks the Legendary Lost Treasure Cape progression path.
Set Piece: Aqua Soldier Set
Note: Used in the 'Lost Treasure of Atlantis - Aqua Soldier Cape (Repeatable)' quest.

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