Occasion: To celebrate Star Wars
Date: May 4th
Event Tag: maythe4th
Titles Updated
- 1 new title added:
- Star Architect
- Commander Mogrevious now appears in Battleon Social District.
- The spawns locations in the following locations have been removed:
- Arcangrove Forest.
- Darkovia Forest.
- Heartwood Forest.
- Dragonslayer Camp.
- Frostvale.
- Island of the Dead.
- Westmere.
- Yokai Forest.
- The spawn locations in Dragon Graveyard and World Tree still exist.
- The spawns locations in the following locations have been removed:
- 2019 May the 4th Collection shop has been renamed to 2019 May the 4th Items shop.
- 2020 May the 4th Collection shop has been renamed to 2020 May the 4th Items shop.
Arcangrove Forest Updated
Battleon Social District Updated
Battleon Town Square Updated
Battleon Trade District Updated
Darkovia Forest Updated
Heartwood Forest Updated
Dragonslayer Camp Updated
Frostvale Updated
Island of the Dead Updated
Westmere Updated
Yokai Forest Updated
Commander Mogrevious Updated
Black Helm
Dark Lord Updated
Furniture Crate Updated
Niall Updated
Rose's Daily Quest Updated
2019 May the 4th Items Updated
2020 May the 4th Items Updated
Black Helm Crafting Updated
May the 4th (Shop) Updated
Revenge of the 5th Updated
May 4th Housing Kit
Star Swords Bundle I (Shop) Updated
Your 2019 May the 4th Collection Updated
Your 2020 May the 4th Collection Updated
ArmorsDark Xith Armor

Galactic Outrider Vest

Xith Armor

Dark Xith Armor Belt

Galactic Outrider Belt

Xith Armor Belt

Dark Xith Armor Boot

Galactic Outrider Boots

Xith Armor Boot

Dark Xith Cape

Galactic Outrider Straps

Xith Cape

Dark Xith Armor Glove

Galactic Outrider Gloves

Xith Armor Glove

Dark Xith Armor Helm

Dark Xith Hood

Dark Xith Hood V2

Galactic Outrider Goggles

Helm Xith Hood

Xith Armor Helm

Xith Hood V2

Alloyed Stairs

Containment Unit

Blue Lighted Wall Panel

Blue Space Vents

Blue Space Viewport

Interface Terminal

Intergalactic Lamp

Large Space Table

Quantum Generator

Pilot's Ottoman

Pocket Galaxy

Red Lighted Wall Panel

Red Space Vents

Red Space Viewport

Star Pilot Bed

Star Pilot Chair

Star Pilot's Panel

Tech Coffee Table

Tech Wall Panel

Vapor Inverter

Yergicron Bulkhead

Yergicron Computer Console

Yergicron Floor Panel

Yergicron Roof Panel

Captain's Quarters

Social Flyer

Ultra Party Streamer

Dark Xith Shoulders

Galactic Outrider Shoulderpads

Xith Shoulders

Blue Star Saber

Red Star Saber

Electric Star Saber

Spinning Sabers

Titles Updated
- 1 new title added:
- Galactic Sword Specialist
Battleon Bank Updated
Battleon Town Square Updated
Battle Force Master
Battle Star Slayer
Baby Noda
Dark Lord Updated
Hedwig Hootenheim Updated
Chest Shop Updated
Guardian Special Rewards Updated
May the 4th (Shop) Updated
Special PvP Rewards Updated
Star Swords Bundle I (Shop)
Revenge of the 5th Updated
ArmorsTroop Hunter Armor

Troop Hunter Belt

Troop Hunter Boot

Troop Hunter Scarf

Troop Hunter Helm

Troop Hunter Shoulder

Star Swords Bundle I (Consumable)

Blue Legion Starblade (DC)

Blue Legion Starblade (Non-DC)

Blue Star Sword (DC)

Blue Star Sword (Non-DC)

Doom Star Katana

Fiendish Great Star Sword (DC)

Fiendish Great Star Sword (Non-DC)

Gold Star Katana

Green Star Sword (DC)

Green Star Sword (Non-DC)

Legion Star Katana

Infernal Star Sword (DC)

Infernal Star Sword (Non-DC)

Legion Star Sword (DC)

Legion Star Sword (Non-DC)

Nulgath Star Sword (DC)

Nulgath Star Sword (Non-DC)

Orange Double Starblade (DC)

Orange Double Starblade (Non-DC)

Purple Star Katana (DC)

Purple Star Katana (Non-DC)

Purple Star Sword (DC)

Purple Star Sword (Non-DC)

Red Legion Starblade (DC)

Red Legion Starblade (Non-DC)

Red Star Katana (DC)

Red Star Katana (Non-DC)

Red Star Sword (DC)

Red Star Sword (Non-DC)

Star Slayer Blade (DC)

Star Slayer Blade (Non-DC)

Venomous Star Sword (DC)

Venomous Star Sword (Non-DC)

May the 4th (Shop) Updated
Revenge of the 5th Updated
ArmorsStar Slayer Armor

Star Slayer Sash

Star Slayer Boots

Star Slayer Cloak

Star Slayer Gauntlets

Star Slayer Mask

Star Slayer Pauldrons

Nulgath Star Sword (DC)

Star Slayer Blade (DC)

Venomous Star Sword (DC)

Commander Mogrevious Updated
Dark Lord Updated
May the 4th (Shop) Returns & Updated
Revenge of the 5th Returns & Updated
ArmorsDarkstar Legion Sentinel Armor

Galactic Scoundrel Vest

Darkstar Legion Sentinel Belt

Galactic Scoundrel Belt

Darkstar Legion Sentinel Boots

Galactic Scoundrel Boot

Darkstar Legion Sentinel Cape

Galactic Scoundrel Scarf

Darkstar Legion Sentinel Gloves

Galactic Scoundrel Gloves

Darkstar Legion Sentinel Hood

Galactic Scoundrel Visor

Mogrevious' Diary

A2X2 Droid Pet

Guardian A2X2 Droid Pet

Darkstar Legion Sentinel Shoulders

Galactic Scoundrel Shoulders

Mogrevious Mech (Travel Form)

Blue Legion Starblade (DC)

Galactic Scoundrel Blaster

Galactic Scoundrel's Red Cup

Orange Double Starblade (DC)

Red Legion Starblade (DC)

Arcangrove Forest Updated
Battleon Bank Updated
Battleon Town Square Updated
Darkovia Forest Updated
Dragonslayer Camp Updated
Frostvale Updated
Heartwood Forest Updated
Island of the Dead Updated
Westmere Updated
World Tree Updated
Yokai Forest Updated
Commander Mogrevious
Dark Lord
Hedwig Hootenheim Updated
2019 May the 4th Items Returns & Updated
2020 May the 4th Items
Black Helm Crafting
May the 4th (Shop) Returns
Mogrevious Mech (Shop)
Revenge of the 5th Returns
Your 2020 May the 4th Collection
ArmorsBlack Helm's Armor

Dark Lord's Armor (DC)

Dark Lord's Armor (Non-DC)

Dark Order Officer Uniform (DC)

Dark Order Officer Uniform (Non-DC)

Force Master Wraps

Kylord Robes

Ray of Force Outfit (DC)

Ray of Force Outfit (Non-DC)

Shadowscythe Sentinel Armor (DC)

Shock Trooper Armor (DC)

Shock Trooper Armor (Non-DC)

Star Stalker Armor (DC)

Black Helm's Belt

Dark Lord's Belt (DC)

Dark Lord's Belt (Non-DC)

Dark Order Officer Belt (DC)

Dark Order Officer Belt (Non-DC)

Force Master Belt

Kylord Straps

Ray of Force Belt (DC)

Ray of Force Belt (Non-DC)

Shadowscythe Sentinel Belt (DC)

Shock Trooper Belt (DC)

Shock Trooper Belt (Non-DC)

Star Stalker Belt (DC)

Black Helm's Boots

Dark Lord's Boots (DC)

Dark Lord's Boots (Non-DC)

Dark Order Officer Boots (DC)

Dark Order Officer Boots (Non-DC)

Force Master Boots

Kylord Boots

Ray of Force Boots (DC)

Ray of Force Boots (Non-DC)

Shadowscythe Sentinel Boots (DC)

Shock Trooper Boots (DC)

Shock Trooper Boots (Non-DC)

Star Stalker Boots (DC)

Black Helm's Cape

Dark Lord's Cape (DC)

Dark Lord's Cape (Non-DC)

Shadowscythe Sentinel Cape (DC)

Shock Trooper Cape (DC)

Shock Trooper Cape (Non-DC)

Star Stalker Cape (DC)

Black Helm's Gloves

Dark Lord's Gloves (DC)

Dark Lord's Gloves (Non-DC)

Dark Order Officer Gloves (DC)

Dark Order Officer Gloves (Non-DC)

Force Master Gloves

Kylord Gloves

Ray of Force Gloves (DC)

Ray of Force Gloves (Non-DC)

Shadowscythe Sentinel Gloves (DC)

Shock Trooper Gloves (DC)

Shock Trooper Gloves (Non-DC)

Star Stalker Gloves (DC)

Black Helm's Black Helm

Dark Lord's Helmet (DC)

Dark Lord's Helmet (Non-DC)

Dark Order Officer Hat (DC)

Dark Order Officer Hat (Non-DC)

Force Master Hood

Kylord Cowl

Shadowscythe Sentinel Hood (DC)

Shock Trooper Helm (DC)

Shock Trooper Helm (Non-DC)

Star Stalker Helm (DC)

Mogrevious' Diary

Mogrevious' Schematics

EB-L Hover Droid

Mog-Baka (DC)

Wigit the Mowok (DC)

Wigit the Mowok (Non-DC)

Black Helm's Shoulders

Dark Lord's Shoulders (DC)

Dark Lord's Shoulders (Non-DC)

Dark Order Officer Shoulders (DC)

Dark Order Officer Shoulders (Non-DC)

Shadowscythe Sentinel Shoulders (DC)

Shock Trooper Shoulders (DC)

Shock Trooper Shoulders (Non-DC)

Star Stalker Shoulders (DC)

May the 4th Collector's Chest 2020


M-06-L1N (Travel Form)

Mog-Baka Travel Form (DC)

Mogrevious Mech (Travel Form)

Blue Double Starblade (DC)

Blue Star Sword (DC)

Dark Lord's Blaster (DC)

Dark Lord's Blaster (Non-DC)

Dark Lord's Star Sword (DC)

Dark Lord's Star Sword (Non-DC)

Dual Energy StarClaws (DC)

Gold Star Sword

Green Star Sword (DC)

Infernal Star Sword (DC)

Legion Star Sword (DC)

Mog-Baka Bow Blaster (DC)

Purple Star Sword (DC)

Red Double Starblade (DC)

Red Star Sword (DC)

Shadowscythe Sentinel Spear (DC)

Shock Trooper Blaster (DC)

Shock Trooper Blaster (Non-DC)

Star Stalker Blasters (DC)

Battleon Updated
Battleon Bank Updated
Battleon (Void Invasion) Updated
Hedwig Hootenheim Updated
M-06-L1N (NPC) Returns
2019 May the 4th Items
May the 4th (Shop) Returns
Revenge of the 5th Returns
Your 2019 May the 4th Collection
ArmorsForce Master Wraps

Kylord Robes

Shadowscythe Sentinel Armor (DC)

Shadowscythe Sentinel Armor (Non-DC)

Star Stalker Armor (DC)

Star Stalker Armor (Non-DC)

Force Master Belt

Kylord Straps

Shadowscythe Sentinel Belt (DC)

Shadowscythe Sentinel Belt (Non-DC)

Star Stalker Belt (DC)

Star Stalker Belt (Non-DC)

Force Master Boots

Kylord Boots

Shadowscythe Sentinel Boots (DC)

Shadowscythe Sentinel Boots (Non-DC)

Star Stalker Boots (DC)

Star Stalker Boots (Non-DC)

Shadowscythe Sentinel Cape (DC)

Shadowscythe Sentinel Cape (Non-DC)

Star Stalker Cape (DC)

Star Stalker Cape (Non-DC)

Force Master Gloves

Kylord Gloves

Shadowscythe Sentinel Gloves (DC)

Shadowscythe Sentinel Gloves (Non-DC)

Star Stalker Gloves (DC)

Star Stalker Gloves (Non-DC)

Force Master Hood

Kylord Cowl

Shadowscythe Sentinel Hood (DC)

Shadowscythe Sentinel Hood (Non-DC)

Star Stalker Helm (DC)

Star Stalker Helm (Non-DC)

Mog-Baka (DC)

Mog-Baka (Non-DC)

Shadowscythe Sentinel Shoulders (DC)

Shadowscythe Sentinel Shoulders (Non-DC)

Star Stalker Shoulders (DC)

Star Stalker Shoulders (Non-DC)

May the 4th Collector's Chest 2019


M-06-L1N (Travel Form)

Mog-Baka Travel Form (DC)

Mog-Baka Travel Form (Non-DC)

Blue Double Starblade (DC)

Blue Double Starblade (Non-DC)

Blue Star Sword (DC)

Dual Energy StarClaws (DC)

Dual Energy StarClaws (Non-DC)

Gold Star Sword

Green Star Sword (DC)

Infernal Star Sword (DC)

Legion Star Sword (DC)

Mog-Baka Bow Blaster (DC)

Mog-Baka Bow Blaster (Non-DC)

Purple Star Sword (DC)

Red Double Starblade (DC)

Red Double Starblade (Non-DC)

Red Star Sword (DC)

Shadowscythe Sentinel Spear (DC)

Shadowscythe Sentinel Spear (Non-DC)

Star Stalker Blasters (DC)

Star Stalker Blasters (Non-DC)

Battleon Updated
M-06-L1N (NPC) Returns
May the 4th (Shop)
Revenge of the 5th
ArmorsForce Master Wraps

Kylord Robes

Force Master Belt

Kylord Straps

Force Master Boots

Kylord Boots

Force Master Gloves

Kylord Gloves

Force Master Hood

Kylord Cowl


M-06-L1N (Travel Form)

Blue Star Sword (DC)

Green Star Sword (DC)

Infernal Star Sword (DC)

Legion Star Sword (DC)

Purple Star Sword (DC)

Red Star Sword (DC)

Battleon Updated
M-06-L1N (NPC)
Star Swords
WeaponsBlue Star Sword (DC)

Red Star Sword (DC)