- Speak to Skiffmaster Squint during the 'Skipper of the Skiff' quest
Hero: Are you Squint?
Skiffmaster Squint: That's Skiffmaster Squint, and what do you want?
Hero: General Gaspar sent me over.
Hero: He's permitted me to take a skiff to the pyramids.
Skiffmaster Squint: Is that so?
Skiffmaster Squint: Well, tough luck, 'Cause I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.
Skiffmaster Squint: My nit-wit first mate, Gil, set sail on a skiff without me knowing…
Skiffmaster Squint: …and took my luck compass with him!
Skiffmaster Squint: I don't go anywhere without my lucky compass!
Hero: SO until your first mate returns with your compass, I won't be about to get to the pyramids?
Skiffmaster Squint: That's right.
Hero: Then I guess I need to head out and find your first mate.
Skiffmaster Squint: Well, I was going to do that myself…
Skiffmaster Squint: But now I might as well sit back and let you do all the work.
Hero: Whaaaaaaa?!
Hero: I should really think before I speak.
Skiffmaster Squint: You really should.
Skiffmaster Squint: Anyways, enough yappin'. Go find my first mate!