Locations/Replays: Westmere
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): Mission accomplished.
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): Surmonox is dead and the BaneDragon has been destroyed.
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): Thanks, <Hero>. I knew you wouldn't let me down.
Hero: So what happens now?
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): Hopefully this setback will slow Xeron's plans and give me more time to track him down.
Hero: What about Westmere?
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): I've spoken to some magi from Arcangrove Tower.
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): They will seal the area. The survivors will be relocated.
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): We haven't found a way to reverse the Bane infection but they can stop it spreading.
Hero: That just leaves me with one question… why didn't I get infected?
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): I've been wondering about that too.
Hero: Maybe it has something to do with being Death's Champion?
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): You're a bit of a mystery, <Hero>.
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): If Xeron and Vane join forces it could be the end of Lore.
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): I hope I can call on you again if I get a lead on Xeron or his other followers.
Hero: I'm willing to do what I can to save Lore.
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): Good. You'll be hearing from me.