- A Plain White T-Shirt
- An Unsigned Agreement?!
- Charlie's Giant Head
- Congratulations!
- Danny & Corporate Sponsorship
- General Goblin Fuel
- Inside Charlie's Head
- Meet Charlie
- Meet Matt
- Hot Pepper Challenge
- Slap-Fighting FUSION
- The Power of YEAH, BABY!
- Welcome to the Moistverse
- Goblin x27
- Major Moby x1
- Sergeant Shroom x9
- Sergeant Swol Guns x1
- T-Shirt Mound x1
- Random Spawns x12
- Random Spawns x9
- Random Spawns x1
- Random Spawns x1
- Random Spawns x1
- Charleena
- Charlie... ???
- Charlie Horse
- Charlie The Psycho-Nut
- Charliezard
- Charred'lie
- Chelsey
- Danny
- Goblin Fuel General
- Grim Carolina Reaper
- Huge Charles
- Matt
- Moist Kat'1cal
- Rex Gunderson
- Swolejoels
- Zorbak (1)
Access Points:
- /join moistverse
- Adventures
- Talk to Charlie in Battleon Town Square
- Talk to Zorbak (1) in Battleon Town Square
- Exit from Moist World Speedrun
- Exit from Moist World Tour (1)
- Exit from Moist World Tour (2)
- Exit from Moist World Tour Refueled!!
- Exit from Moist World Tour Rocket Ride
- Interact with Mort (1) in Battleon Town Square
- Interact with Portal Fragment in Death of Games Boss Fight (Challenge)
- Interact with Portal Fragment in Death of Games Boss Fight (Story)
- Interact with Portal Fragment in Derp Side of the Moon
- Interact with Portal Fragment in Lair of the Death of Games
- Interact with Portal Fragment in Ring of Doom (Location)
- Interact with Portal Fragment in Scarbucks (Zom-Bae)
- Interact with Travel Crystal (2) in 8-Bit World
- Interact with Travel Crystal (2) in Beleen's Lobby
- Interact with Travel Crystal (2) in Scarbucks Dance Party (Zom-Bae)
- Interact with Travel Portal
- All monsters in this location level scale until level 26.
- Mounts and Travel Forms are not allowed in this location.
- Rex Gunderson and Swolejoels appear during the 'Rex and Swolejoels' quest.
- Zorbak (1) appears during the 'Welcome to the Moistverse' quest.
- You are able to use 4 different colored portals close to Huge Charles to skip parkour sections.
- Each portal unlocks after enough Moistverse's Quests have been completed.
- Portal #1 (Blue) teleports you to the slap fight platfrom where Sergeant Swol Guns is located.
- Portal #2 (Green) teleports you to the hot pepper challenge platfrom where Grim Carolina Reaper is located
- Portal #3 (Yellow) teleports you to the corporate sponsorship platform where Danny is located.
- Portal #4 (Red) teleports you to the Goblin Fuel platfrom where Goblin Fuel General is located.
- There also portals under most of the parkour sections that can be used to teleport back to the start of each parkour section.
- There are 7 Figmomentos around this location, collecting them all spawns an Exploration Scroll that awards the "Psycho-nut" title when picked up.
- Figmomento #1 (Pink T-shirt): Near the spawn, next to Charred'lie.
- Figmomento #2 (Blue Sandal): On the parkor section that leads to Captain Capsaicin.
- Figmomento #3 (Cyan Dog & Flute): On top of a rock near Huge Charles.
- Figmomento #4 (Green Face): On the parkour section that leads to the slap fight platform.
- Figmomento #5 (Yellow Heart): On the parkour section that leads to the corporate sponsorship platfrom.
- Figmomento #6 (Orange Car): On the parkour section that leads to the Goblin Fuel platfrom.
- Figmomento #7 (Red "YEA, BABY!" Charlie): At the end of Moistverse parkour, in front of a portal to where Charlie... ??? and the previously mentioned Exploration Scroll is located.
- The following monsters respawn every 8 minutes: