Quest Location: Aria's Pet Shop
Quests Begun From: Aria
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
- Just Keep Cleaning (1)
- Just Keep Cleaning (2)
- Right in the Mess
- Scrubbing It Clean
- Leather Learning
- Scrappy Do
- Patching It Up
- Bits and Bits
- Hot Studs
- Hammer Time
- A Pretty Collar
- A Very Pretty Collar
- What's That Rune
- Reading and Writing
- Reading and Writing 2
- Inky Dinky
- Magical Ink for Real
- Revealing the Secret Word
- It's so...
- What's that Smell?
- Digging Around
- Fishy Yums
- A Menace in the Night
- A New Mystery
- Following the Trail
- Bad Boi
- Return to Sender
- Item Not Eligible for Return
- Back to the Pet Shop
- Unchained
- The Right Tool for the Job
- In Need of Repairs
- Tooling the Tools
- Back to the Pet Shop, Again
- Luring out the Creature
<Hero>! It's good to see you! *wipes brow*
Things have been picking up around here so I could use another helping hand if you can. Grab some tools and let's do some cleaning!
With all these critters around, there is also *something* to clean!
Items Required:
- Clean Up x3
- Dropped by Creature Mess
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
- Pet Feed x10
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
This mess just never ends! Maybe with your help I can finally get this place clean!
We're almost there…
This almost looks serviceable. I want to make sure we always have space for all the critters who needs homes.
Items Required:
- Clean Up x3
- Dropped by Creature Mess
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
- Pet Feed x10
- Must have completed the previous quest.
- Must have Chewed Leather (Misc) in your inventory.
Hmmm? What's this? Those critters can get in to all kinds of things!
Let's take a closer look…
Looks like this is the remains of some kind of collar. Hmmmm, well there are so many creatures and pets that come through here we'll need to see if we can find more details. This is pretty torn up, but let's see if we can clean it as best we can!
Items Required:
- Found Scraps x1
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
You'll need to find some Soap to clean this, but I've just run out! Keeping everything clean around here uses quite a lot. I'm sure you'll be able to find some in your travels! Once you have it, bring it back here and you can use my spare washing tub. It may take some time to fully dry out, as we don't want to damage it further!
Great Job! Looks like it hasn't been too damaged by its trip through the wash. It's extremely faded but I can tell it's local leather.
Items Required:
- Cleaned It! x1
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
I have a friend who deals with a lot of creatures out in the wilderness and has been setting up camp for quite a while. They might be familiar with what this might be made of? Seek them out and see if they can help!
A friend of Aria
Aria sent you to me? What have you got there?
Items Required:
- Find Aria's Friend x1
- Faded Leather Collar
- Interact with Guardian Liv in Heartwood Forest
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Guardian Liv
A mysterious collar you say? And you want to find out more? Well let's try to patch this up… it does seem to be pretty chewed up!
We have some creatures in the area that can provide some suitable leather. Make sure to be careful when collecting, as we need intact patches of leather to work with!
Guardian Liv
Well done! These patches look like they could strengthen this old collar. Let's get to work!
Items Required:
- Get Supple Leather x5
- Dropped by Heartwolf (Monster)
- Get Strong Leather x5
- Dropped by Grizzly Boar (Level 5)
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Guardian Liv
I'll need some Metal Thread for stitching and some Magic Dust to reinforce the leather on the collar. Bring those back and we can start the restoration process!
Guardian Liv
Excellent work! It seems like this collar has some grommets for something like studs maybe?
Items Required:
- Stitched Collar x1
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Guardian Liv
Unfortunately I am not so familiar with metalwork. Perhaps you know a smith who could help you investigate further?
A Skilled Blacksmith
Hello again <Hero>! What brings you to the inn today? Thirsty? Hungry?
Items Required:
- Speak to the Smith x1
- Stitched Collar
- Interact with Yulgar in Yulgar's Inn
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
A collar…? Well, I can't say that it's an item that I commonly work on, but my daughter is always up to something isn't she? Let's take a look. Looks like I can definitely forge some studs for this collar. From the bits that I can see, it seems like some sort of heat resistant metal… interesting. If you can find me the ore, then I can get smithing on it right away!
Tempered Obsidian you say? Those DragonSlayers are always up to something! One day I'll take a trip over to Ashfall to study some of their metal work.
Items Required:
- Tempered Obsidian x1
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Let's get started! I'll make these Metal Studs, but I will need some additional items. Please find me some Heavy Bolts that I can attach the Studs with! Once you have them then we'll need some time to forge and shape the metal.
Let's take a look! Very good work! You have the makings of an apprentice Blacksmith if I do say so myself. *chuckles*
Items Required:
- Metal Studs x1
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Looks like Aria should be able to assemble this all back together! Take the Metal Studs and the collar with you.
Oh how lovely! Did my dad make these? They're just perfect!
Items Required:
- Talk to Aria x1
- Metal Studs
- Interact with Aria
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Okay… so now we have these Heat Resistant Metal Studs as well as this Stitched Collar; let's put it all together! I have some leatherworking tools around here since I'm always patching stuff up for the pets. Feel free to use them!
So… what kind of creature do you think this collar was for? It must be fierce… I want to pet it and cuddle it!
What an interesting collar! Now that it's mostly reassembled… I can see some faint runes etched in the leather. What do you think they are?
Items Required:
- Restored Collar x1
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Hmm… well these runes sure look mysterious. Almost like something out of an ancient scroll or tome.
Lore is filled with scholars who would know better than me; maybe you could seek one of them out?
Yes? Why have you come to the Underworld this time?
Items Required:
- What are these Runes? x1
- Restored Collar
- Interact with Vost in Underworld Gate
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
You want me to translate these runes on a COLLAR? *sigh*
Well my duties bind me to you, I suppose. Let's take a look… I will need some Undersilk and some Bone Splinters to help restore some of these runes. i'm sure you can figure out where to get those.
Very good, I suppose.
Items Required:
- Bone Splinters x20
- Undersilk x3
- Dropped by Legion Arachnus (Monster)
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Now I just need some Magic Ink. You wouldn't happen to have any with you, would you?
*shakes head*
This means I'll need the help of that crazy old bat, won't I? Yes, yes, you'll find them up there in Lore; I'm sure they are brewing all sorts of horrible concoctions.
An "Old Lady"
Hello! Are you here for some more of my special potions and brownies?
Items Required:
- Find the "Old Lady" x1
- Empty Bottle
- Interact with Vesta the Herbalist
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Oh that Vost! He's always such a dear!
I've never revealed my recipe for the Magic Ink, but I'll share it with you just this once! Just get everything on this list and ta-da!
An "Old Lady"
See? Totally Magic Ink.
Items Required:
- Special Brewed Tea x1
- Barkskin Potion x1
- Poison Thorn x1
- Brownie x1
- Magical Leaf x1
- Fabulous Sparkles x1
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
This should work for whatever silly thing Vost needs to do. Do tell him I said hello!
Do you think he would like some brownies? Hmmm…
Brownies? Well… maybe… ANYHOW, let's procced shall we?
Items Required:
- Return to Vost x1
- Bottle of Magic Ink
- Interact with Vost in Underworld Gate
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Now we just use this ink to reactivate the runes and we should be able to see just what this is all about.
Items Required:
- Revealed Collar x1
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
The runes say… "Fluffy"? What manner of creature is this?! If you still insist on seeking this creature out, we can use the Legion Hounds to perhaps find the scent. There should still be enough of the scent left on this collar.
Seems like the Hounds have picked up some sort of ancient draconic scent… Well I'm not so familiar with the lands above but an adventurer as yourself shouldn't have any trouble, yes?
Items Required:
- Get the Scent x10
- Dropped by Legion Hound (Monster)
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Whatever this creature was, it had a liking to giant bones or something of the sort.
Now please be gone and let me continue my studies.
I can't believe I had to fix a collar, of all things…
A caretaker's Helper
Hi <Hero>! What's all this?
Items Required:
- Find the Scent x1
- Revealed Collar
- Interact with Alata in Dragon Graveyard
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
You're trying to find something and you followed the trail here? Now that you mention it, we have been seeing some damage to the ancient dragon remains recently. I could use your help to get to the bottom of it, or else there won't be anything left soon! Ooohh Zakaru won't be pleased…
Did you find anything? Chewed bones? What manner of creature could have made such terrible marks?
And guess what, while you were out digging, I found a pile of half-eaten fish and fish bones!
Items Required:
- Chewed Bones x20
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Honestly! I don't even know where you could find any fish near here! They certainly don't seem like they are local to this region.
Maybe you can ask an expert on fish?
A Fisherman
What a lovely day to fish!
Items Required:
- Find the Fisherman x1
- Half-Eaten Fish
- Interact with Faith
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Fish? Let me take a look!
Hmmm… these look like the remains of something called a Pepperfin. Now that you mention it, the other night I heard an awful loud racket and lots of splashing in this vicinity. In the morning, there were fishes all over the place!
Maybe the creature was looking for Pepperfins? You can fish them right here!
Well, if your mysterious creature wants Pepperfins, then this should be plenty!
Items Required:
- Pepperfins x10
- Fish Pepperfin at Battleon Town Square on 20 power nodes
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
- Pepperfin x10
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
I hope you are able to solve this mystery! I know Aria will be able to get to the bottom of it, with your help! Don't forget to come by and fish some time!
Tell me everything you've found! I've been reading up while you've been gone too!
Items Required:
- Return to Aria x1
- Interact with Aria
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
According to my research, there is a creature who fits most of the criteria that we've found so far. A vicious creature that lovers the heat; it also loves heights and is most agile with its leaps and bounds…
I can't say I'm familiar with any place like that… what do you think?
*WHAT?* Oh you startled me! *sweating*
A creature? You mean a MONSTER?
Items Required:
- Chewed Toy x2
- Dropped by:
- Interact with Remi Noaks
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Remi Noaks
We've… we've been trying to capture it. They're dealing with it at the Volcano Camp now.
Ahhhhh! It was horrible!!
*Galanoth is struggling with a huge chained box*
Items Required:
- Check out the Ruckus x1
- Interact with Galanoth (NPC) in Mount Ashfall Camp
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
You there! <Hero>!
Is this the beast you are looking for? We barely got this thing under control… Luckily these reinforced chains seem to be holding for now. Who knows for how long though.
We're trying to take this thing back to it's rightful owner; care to do one final delivery?
Speak to Senna over there to get where you need to go.
Items Required:
- Find the Owner x1
- Chained Box
- Interact with Akriloth (NPC)
- Interact with Senna in Mount Ashfall Camp then select "Returning to Sender"
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
This box? What is this? I've never seen it before in my life.
Alright fine, Fluffy escaped three days ago and it's not like I can exactly leave my volcano to go look for him! Fluffy has been a MENACE! He chews up all of my nice things and eats EVERYTHING! Look, I can't handle him, but I'm sure a heroic and brave and…
whatever hero-person-thing such as yourself can deal with it right?
Just take it and go!
Items Required:
- Try to Return the Package x1
- Chained Box
- Interact with Akriloth (NPC)
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
*You have no clue what you've gotten yourself into… Let's return to Aria*
Wow! What could be in here?
The size of these chains is incredible! How did you carry it all the way here?
Items Required:
- Return to Aria x1
- Interact with Aria
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Hmm… these chains do look strong, but it's nothing my dad can't handle! You should take it to him!
<Hero> again? My, my, what HAVE you been up to? Has Aria gotten you into her creature capturing capers?
Items Required:
- Talk to Yulgar x1
- Interact with Yulgar in Yulgar's Inn
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
What on Lore needs to be secured with chains such as these? What exactly have these DragonSlayers been up to?
*shakes head*
Regardless, I don't currently have any tools that are strong enough to break these chains. You'll need to find someone who deals with bigger creatures than just your local bar patron.
A Fellow Smith
Greetings there! What brings you to Lolosia?
Items Required:
- Find another Smith x1
- Chained Box
- Interact with Elias Peckard
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Elias Peckard
Yulgar needs my help? Is that old man finally firing up this forge again? Ha!
Well far be it from me to refuse a fellow smith! I do have some giant tools that I can use to break these chains, but they are currently in disrepair and I have not yet been able to get the materials needed.
I will need some Deep Sea Ore from the Mysterious Caves in the area. Captain Rhubarb should be able to sail you there.
Elias Peckard
Excellent work! Now for the hard part.
Items Required:
- Deep Sea Ore x5
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Elias Peckard
Time to get smelting and hammerin'…
When these tools are finish you'll be able to break anything!
… Do you think the DragonSlayers are looking for more smiths?
Elias Peckard
Look at these beauties! I hope you'll be able to use them to… you need them to open a box?
Well okay I guess…
Items Required:
- Restored Tools x1
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Elias Peckard
*Back to the Pet Shop then…*
Now we have everything we need! I'm so excited!
Items Required:
- Talk to Aria x1
- Interact with Aria
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
Let's do it!
We have the tools to cut open these chains… We'll also need some of its favorite tasties and some extra Pet Feed, just in case they're hungry! it might take a while for them to come out of there, but we just have to be patient!
Look at that! Isn't he adorable?
Whenever you are ready you can pick up Fluffy from me; I'll keep him safe and happy until then! *skillfully dodges teeth and nails*
You also receive the title "Bad Boi"!
Items Required:
- Open the Box x1
- Scaled Gold
- Scaled Exp