Nature Guardian Book - The Final Page


Hero (Guardian): The final page… here we go.
Nature Guardian Book: "…My humanity is slipping away. By the time you read this, I will be like the others."
Nature Guardian Book: "Perhaps worse. I was the one who held and used the artifact… the Nature Orb."
Nature Guardian Book: "Before my body turns into this monster… I will seal myself and the artifact in the final room of this tower."
Nature Guardian Book (Guardian): "Guardian, It is now your quest to Claim My Armor. you must destroy whatever I have become, and take the artifact!"
Nature Guardian Book: "Take it safely to the great dragon in the tower of Battleon. He will know what to do."
Nature Guardian Book: "Forgive me for this terrible curse I brought upon us all."
Hero (Guardian):
Hero (Guardian): ……………
Hero (Guardian): …………………………………………..
Hero (Guardian): I will not let you down, Silvan.
Hero (Guardian): I Promise
Nature Guardian Book: "But the look on the Guardian Dragon's ancient face told me otherwise."
Nature Guardian Book: "I unleashed the ultimate magic of the artifact here, in the middle of the Guardian Tower!"
Nature Guardian Book: "It killed the Guardian Dragon and infected all of the Guardians fighting alongside me…"
Nature Guardian Book: "What have I done!?"
Nature Guardian Book: "The Nature Guardian Dragon was dead, while the Seeker stood and laughed! This was not over yet…"

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