- During the 'Speak to the Guardian Dragon' quest
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): Guardian Dragon, I have returned with the Nature Orb.
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): Indeed. I sense what you found in the Nature Guardian Tower weighs heavily upon your heart.
Hero: *SIGHS* From what I saw, maybe that orb should have stayed lost.
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): No.
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): If it was not you, the Orb would have fallen into the hands of treasure hunters, thieves, or… worse.
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): Those who came before you, built the Guardian Towers to protect these artifacts from falling into the wrong hands.
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): The Orbs belong here.
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): Now you have seen a glimpse of what can happen when their magic goes unchecked.
Hero: It's the source of the power in Heartwood, isn't it?
Hero: Does that mean that Heartwood will be a normal forest now?
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): The Nature Orb's power was unleashed there.
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): The Heartwood has been forever changed by the Orb's power.
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): Heartwood will always and forever be a place of wild growth and life.
Hero: Does that mean that the Orb has been used up?
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): You still have much to learn about the elemental Orbs.
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): All of that wild nature magic that was used in the Heartwood…
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): …It is like taking teacup of water from the ocean.
Hero: The Orbs are THAT powerful?
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): There are many who believe the Elemental Orbs were used to create this world.
Hero: …
Hero: Dragon, are they powerful enough to stop Vane?
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): Have you learned nothing from the fate of the Nature Guardian Tower?
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): You would shatter the world trying to Save it.
Hero: You're right.
Hero: What about the Seekers?
Hero: What are they? What do they want? Are they after the Orbs?
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): That is something that you'll need to discover for yourself, <hero>.
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): If you rediscover any of the other lost Guardian Towers, it is your duty to investigate them.
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): Bring the Elemental Orbs here…. safe from the hands of the wicked and foolish.
Hero: I will, Guardian Dragon. You have my promise.