New Album (2)


Hero: So Alice in Chain's most recent album is called Rainier Fog.
Hero: Does the title have some special meaning?
Jerry Cantrell (Alice in Chains Lead Guitarist): We recorded the album in Seattle.
Jerry Cantrell (Alice in Chains Lead Guitarist): After thinking about the whole story of this band and the pacific northwest…
Jerry Cantrell (Alice in Chains Lead Guitarist): … The name just felt right.
Jerry Cantrell (Alice in Chains Lead Guitarist): That title track is kind of an homage to the hometown and all of the folks in the area, and our lives and our careers.
Jerry Cantrell (Alice in Chains Lead Guitarist): This record is chock full of good tunes. It really is.
Jerry Cantrell (Alice in Chains Lead Guitarist): Of course everybody's going to say that, it's your new record.
Jerry Cantrell (Alice in Chains Lead Guitarist): But it's a remarkable piece of work in the history of this band, I think. I really do.

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