Nulgath Defeated


Hero: Did… did we actually do it this time?
Dage the Evil (Lord of the Undead Legion): YES. I CAN NO LONGER FEEL HIS PRESENCE.
Dage the Evil (Lord of the Undead Legion): NULGATH IS GONE.
Hero: So… we actually won?
Hero: We defeated the Archfiend… and Lore is safe!
Dage the Evil (Lord of the Undead Legion): SAFE FROM THE THREAT OF NULGATH, YES.
Dage the Evil (Lord of the Undead Legion): BUT THERE ARE OTHERS STILL ON THE HORIZON.
Hero: Like Vane… and the Void.
Hero: Man, I'm SO glad Vane and Nulgath never had a chance to join forces.
Hero: I'm not sure we would have stood a chance.

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