Locations/Replays: Slifsgaard - World Tree
Slifsgaard (Shaman of Lore): You have passed the test of fear.
Slifsgaard (Shaman of Lore): When I came here I was a great warrior.
Slifsgaard (Shaman of Lore): I found that test to be the most simple.
Hero: You were a warrior?
Slifsgaard (Shaman of Lore): Yes. Quite a good one.
Slifsgaard (Shaman of Lore): But a life of fighting left me empty
Slifsgaard (Shaman of Lore): I came to the World Tree searching for the Shamans' treasure… I found it.
Slifsgaard (Shaman of Lore): I was humbled by the power of the spirit world.
Slifsgaard (Shaman of Lore): I took an oath to cast off my old violet ways and never pick up my weapon again.
Slifsgaard (Shaman of Lore): I rededicated my life to serving the people of my world.
Hero: I want to help people too, but people sometimes need someone to fight for them.
Slifsgaard (Shaman of Lore): I suppose that is why you were guided here.
Slifsgaard (Shaman of Lore): Next, you will face Zolin, Aspect Of The Jaguar, in the Air Crossplane.
Slifsgaard (Shaman of Lore): The portal will open once you charge it with Air Spirit Energy from Mad Air Spirits.
Hero: No time like the present.