Phoenix Plate Gloves - Fainal's Discipline III

Price: N/A
- Purchase with 0 Dragon Crystals
- Craft the following:
- Phoenix Plate Gloves - Fainal's Discipline II x1
- Phoenix Runes x3
- Soul Gem x50
- 30,000 Gold
Sellback: 0 Gold
Level: 43
Power: Base: 900 (+0), Max: 920 (+20)
Craft Time: Instant
Speed Up: N/A
Description: A warrior must master all weapons, but even thine empty hand can be a mighty weapon if thou trainest thyself thus.
Set Piece: Fainal's Discipline III Set
- This item can be Infused to +20. Check Item Infusion for more information.
- Used in the 'Phoenix Rank: Fainal's Discipline (Repeatable)' quest.
- Also see Phoenix Plate Gloves - Fainal's Discipline I.