Phoenix Plate Shoulders - Thok's Discipline III

Price: N/A
- Purchase with 0 Dragon Crystals
- Craft the following:
- Phoenix Plate Shoulders - Thok's Discipline II x1
- Phoenix Runes x3
- Soul Gem x50
- 35,000 Gold
Sellback: 0 Gold
Level: 43
Power: Base: 900 (+0), Max: 920 (+20)
Craft Time: Instant
Speed Up: N/A
Description: The iconic and heavy shoulder-plates. The metalwork on this piece of equipment is of Swordhaven's finest, further improved by Thok's blacksmithing technique.
The Swordhaven elite veteran warriors are given the Phoenix Plate when they have shown acts of heroism time and time again. Following the first-ever wielder of said plate's impeccable example, Thok's example.
Offers both high Armor and Attack.
Set Piece: Thok's Discipline III Set
- This item can be Infused to +20. Check Item Infusion for more information.
- Used in the 'Phoenix Rank: Thok's Discipline (Repeatable)' quest.
- Also see Phoenix Plate Shoulders - Thok's Discipline I.